The first gathering of Base builders. Onchain, offgrid.
@statuette are we planning another Basecamp this year??
cc: @ted @priyanka @statuette @dylsteck.eth
nOGs holders can customize the look, feel, sound, and functionality of their space and homebase.
the future of social is community owned 🚀
(this @unlock-protocol and @icebreaker integration is pretty sweet!)
Thank you @icebreaker and @unlock-protocol for helping us network, even when we forget to exchange info!
Basecampers Late Night
**Prolong Basecamp Day 1 with drinks, billiards and a patio, under star-filled sky.** Continue the day’s conversations, with new and old friends, in the charming small town cantina. **Thank you [Builder DAO]( and [TKN]( for the first couple rounds!** [Post event Networking via Icebreaker]( *with love from Chones*
Thursday 7:00pm eastern
Basecampers Late Night
**Prolong Basecamp Day 1 with drinks, billiards and a patio, under star-filled sky.** Continue the day’s conversations, with new and old friends, in the charming small town cantina. **Thank you [Builder DAO]( and [TKN]( for the first couple rounds!** [Post event Networking via Icebreaker]( *with love from Chones*
Don’t lose your winning streaks.
All in one place!!
Seems like such a must watch from the hosts so here you go
But - I am worried about how many people are being told a bad story about Web3 and are going to miss out just because they have been lead astray.
Bring the skepticism, it is almost all grounded in reality and validity, and I'll keep telling a better story.
👏 👏 👏
I reached out to a connection from Base Camp today when a friend of mine was experiencing an issue onboarding to my connection’s app
I’m feeling inspired to build things that people actually want & giving them amazing experiences
I’m currently listening to this awesome podcast of interviews from the event
Lets see how much we can build before the next Base Camp 👊
you can now view every moshi from Basecamp here: •⩊•
dribbled a bit of my protein shake onto it.
gotta get next year's shirt!
These are the **core principles** for builders of consumer apps. It was my favorite moment of Basecamp presentations.
Thank you to the @base team and concierge 💙
@base @statuette @sarahzorah can we run a onchain tipping drive for them?
Logistically, I can collect all the tips and channel it to the Concierge.
Let's bring them onchain!!
p.s. if you like my scent, it's Badger insect repellent :)
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we spoke about how it would be amazing to have truly composable public goods-like protocols that builders could tap into and pay a small fee to use instead of everyone building the same pieces individually over and over again.
i was impressed with the depth of ideas that were exchanged and the fact that karl would periodically stop to write notes on his phone while we were chatting
what’s one thing you remember from basecamp?
sharing the digital version below
This is the beauty of IRL events. Basecamp was my first IRL crypto event but definitely won’t be my last.
This is the gwei 🫡
give @jameecornelia a follow if you’re not already, you’ll be inspired by their creativity and output!
Cop some SF Token
find the new friends you didn't exchange contact info and connect with them <3
thank you again @builder-dao and @tkn for sponsoring our first night of margaritas and billiards!
- Documented over 6hrs of Base camp & FEST
- interviewed @jessepollak about Base Camp
- shared a new YouTube video leading up to Base Camp & FEST
sharing video content has sparked a lot of curiosity to folks outside of the ecosystem! It’s exciting to get DMs from people wanting to explore more 🙏🏽💙
ps. Shoutout and major love to @trevortraynor for this BTS photo 🤟🏽 so much joy!
My brain is so stimulated in the best way possible. Im so happy to be here and bull/bear literally doesn't matter
Is it ok if I wait till tomorrow to have feelings about the market?
L to R: jesse pollak, jacob horne, dan romero
So I guess I’ll stay in Idyllwild state of mind.
Cell phone reception: 0
Mountain Lion: debatable roar
Rattlesnakes: 1
Coyote: 1
Vibes: 1000
Would do it all over again in a heart beat, but always with a group, and maybe a car.