

Discussions about exercise, health, nutrition and more

I haven’t trained aerial for a year due to back and shoulder injuries. I’m finally feeling stable enough to get back at it.

Higher is a mindset ⬆️
I legit only leave my apt to go to the gym or buy food lately 😅
Back & arms ☑️💪🏻
Been suffering from a lot of knee pain this year, tons of painful swelling with no apparent injury, but it seems I've found a solution.

I've also having a lot of tightness in paraformis around hip. Rolling it and stretching it seems to be resolving knee pain and swelling.

Relationship between fascia and joints seems largely unexplored in Western medicine, but is well known in Chinese medicine.

So it might be worth minding your fascia above or around joint (or next joint up) if you are having pain.
Day 3 - Partner workout. 60 seconds you go I go for 5 rounds each max wall balls. I managed 113 @ 20lbs. Straight into 15 minute amrap shared reps - 24 dumbbell box step over, 24 synchronised sit ups with a medicine ball and 24 dumbbell lunges 😅
"The right of the people to keep and bear gains shall not be infringed"

unexpectedly good workout playlist
Even during your bedtime you can still exercise
Keeping myself accountable 💪
If you wanted to relive @afrochicks challenge and do a lil yoga. Then oh boi, today is the flow for you.

Aim higher fit-frens. 🫡
I woke up feeling like shit and didn't feel like going on a walk but I made it woot woot
Post workout very fast breakfast

What is missing ?
Running time 🏃

Day 3: 👉 Challenge yourself: run continuously every day and with increasing time.

Have a nice day 🌸
Awesome! Another mini-challenge from my favorite triple-jump champion! Guess I know how I'll be starting my workout tomorrow!

Hey, @pretlove - have you done one of these before?
The only health metric you should care about is how you feel

Do you wake up full of energy with excitement for the day?

Or do you drag ass with lethargy needing x y z to “get you going”
Celebrating my /fitness membership with my beloved leg press.

Finally got to consistently lift 12x100kg 2 years after my ACL surgery.
Fitness is a broad term that encompasses physical activities aimed at improving and maintaining the health and fitness of individuals. The goal is to achieve a well-rounded physical condition, which includes cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, and strength. Fitness takes a holistic approach, considering the body as a whole for versatile and balanced physical development. 
The objective of fitness is to attain and sustain a healthy body, prevent or delay chronic diseases, and enhance quality of life. Examples of fitness exercises include cardiovascular activities like running, cycling, and swimming, as well as resistance and strength training. These exercises should be enjoyable, sustainable, and functional to meet personal needs and preferences, maintain a routine, and achieve maximum efficiency.🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♂️💪💪
Yoga - a post on the power of Yoga 🧘‍♀️
Had a !CHIMP leg session today 🐒

In the video is a 5 reps 90 kg deadlift, any feedback?
Fitness goals are all about consistency and pushing past your limits. Think about the feeling you'll get after a great workout—the rush of endorphins, the sense of achievement. It's like investing in your physical and mental future. What specific goal are you aiming to smash today?
Deciding between Inside Tracker, Function Health, and SiPhox. Any suggestions?