
@abbas #1962

a pulse on culture & permissionless networks | Ecosystem @ Starkware | Prev: Bounty Lead @superteamdao
199 Follower 111 Following
On improving the lives of those around you
Join me at the @solana Hackerhouse Bengaluru and listen to me yap about - Building a homebase for your community

Long believed having an internet home for your friends and members is the only way to keep them coming back!

See you all at the HH!🫶🏻
There’s nothing more important in your 20s especially in crypto than to create a smooth pipeline for

1. Banking services/solutions
• Ideally 2-3 diverse providers
• Different currencies and geographies

2. Clean and liquid onramps/offramps

3. Clear documentation of transaction history and all gains/losses

4. Use services that can help you clean up your paperwork wherever necessary
• Tax filings, incorporation, etc

Way too many young minds are corrupted by internet anons and have started to parrot the whole “compliance bad”, and just presumably adopted anarchy

Not how the world works and the upside of keeping your noses clean and shit together is higher than earning internet brownie points with people that barely have a life outside this app

I usually share a lot of this information with friends or those around me but felt like the least I could do is make this post so at least some of you could be saved
It’s time

It’s been a very helpful filter to avoid those that still call it web3.

9/10 times the vibe test is bang on accurate

It’s crypto mf
Things you should avoid if you’d like to protect your capital, survive the chop and not be left without enough dry powder when the opportunity presents itself

1. Too much exposure to illiquid jpegs -> These things need an overall chain wealth effect but when the native tokens rally most jpegs get rugged and do not outperform the native asset. Also insanely illiquid, you’ll undercut your own prices, so consider a 20% slippage even on low liquidity collections

2. Nano/Micro cap shitters -> This is pretty obvious. At the least go for small or mid cap shitters mate

3. Angel deals -> This is the worst. I’ve absolutely outperformed every single one that’s come my way in liquid markets. That doesn’t mean I don’t do it. It just means when I do, I truly believe in the team or I’m willing to burn some capital to learn something new or gain exposure to X

Also way too overpriced, the bear will have plenty good opportunities. This industry isn’t done yet.
Are we all doing Token (Singapore) this time or KBW??
Very few things I now agree with Chamath on and his opinions about money and work are some of them

I basically said yes to every opportunity that came my way all through the last 10 years

Had I said No to even one of those, my life would be entirely different

My edge was and is “Yes, and I’ll figure it out” - personally and professionally
🚨 Thoughts on why onchain loyalty is a massive untapped opportunity
The reason most people in crypto roundtrip their ports is because they secretly believe they don’t deserve it

Nobody that thinks they could have earned the same or more outside of investing/trading would find the need to overtrade their ports to prove a point

Don’t fuck this up
The memecoin and celebrity meta may seem exhausting and probably why you believe we’ve topped for this cycle

This would likely be true if we did not have massive macro, ETF & regulatory tailwinds

Add to that the consumer app - non speculative to speculative product ratio has never been better for the industry

This is exactly what a lot of us saw in 2022 & 2023 (minus the liquidity)

If you’ve got a slightly long term time horizon, you’ll do just fine
Check out my onframe Noun⌐◨-◨ based on my Farcaster ID!
Can anyone recommend some good channels for builders?
What’s some of the most exciting social/gaming products being built right now?
If you are going out of your way to farm a protocol you don’t normally use to get a token you aren’t actually bullish on then you my friend are the one that’s being farmed

Protocol teams are of course not idiots, they’ve done the math too, just like you have :)
Excited to finally join DegenDao with the HAT(s)!🎩
Don't overcomplicate your bets
Thoughts on the latest confessions issues with Solana
This. Why are you as a grown man talking about taking money out of crypto👀
It's time to get rid of venture capital. Every startup needs to now learn how to go viral, capture attention, and raise capital through a memecoin

If it ain't got meme-market-fit, idk what to tell you
Presenting to you the sophisticated due diligence mechanism CT analysts and quants deploy in order to identify the next 10,000x

featuring main character ansem
Productive token issuance/inflation = Rewards for growing the pie, onboarding new people, educating participants & creating value (Degen)

Non-productive token issuance/inflation = Stake this coin to earn more of the same coins passively

The former is a more prudent way of building a thriving and sustainable ecosystem
Would you get a cryptopunk if you could? and % of your NW would it need to be for you to consider it?
How many $Degen corns are enough?
What is the consensus ecosystem coin for Base/Farcaster? Would Degen still take top place or are there other competing tokens?