ayan 🧬

@gmo #6015

genetically modified organism. synbio PhD. friend of bacteria. I make /synbio vids 🧬, co-host /science 👩🏽‍🔬, building /teaparty ☕️
2496 Follower 206 Following
My mind: how incredible to witness such an insane engineering feat live

Also my mind: thank god the billionaires are progressing in their space escape plan for when they’re done destroying the earth & making it uninhabitable for humans, so glad they accomplished this b4 ending solvable issue like homelessness

I woke up on smoke @ the new yorker b/c…who are the people dismissing figs as a geriatric delicacy?!

The sweet summertime aroma of figs is what draws me to the south of France

Is it not romance to sit under a fig tree eating the ripe and fallen fruit?

I mean figs symbolized abundance in ancient Egypt + Greece!
Dear runners,

What’s your runner story? Why are you running? What are you running towards? (Who/what are you running from?!)
They opened a Japanese cheesecake place in Bawston (Uncle Tetsu’s) and I convinced my partner (aka victim of my japanese cheesecake obsession) to cycle in the rain and wind to get one

If you’re in Boston please go and tell me what you think.

(I’m still obsessed)
Why aren’t there hallmark cards for your enemies…

Something like:

I get that there are really bad things happening in the world right now

but I just want you to know

you’re the really bad thing happening in mine
This is my main concern with web3 social

The threshold for “crazy” is way too low

The distribution and diversities of personalities/opinions is a bit too homogenous

(Not advocating for the level of crazy on twitter btw🙏🏽😅)
I/ \
/_ \_
People are more concerned about being called a racist…than the actual racism
I literally jumped and my heart rate went /higher at the sight of my neighbours chihuahua getting out of the elevator…

My brain processed her dog in the same way it would process I giant rat.

Take that as you will 👀…
Dear lord, please give me the audacity of the bio-pirates who went to India and tried to patent turmeric so that I may accomplish my dreams

Amen 🙏🏽

I would just like you to know that in 1995 the University of Mississippi Medical Centre patented TURMERIC

and luckily India had the power to legally go “WtF?!” and get it overturned 2 years later

This is the level of audacity that exists in the biopiracy world.

The countless stories of biopiracy where the company makes billions of dollars patenting a vulnerable nations indigenous knowledge that’s been cultivated over thousands of years and they can’t fight back is absurd.

Just wanted you to know 🙏🏽
I feel like this every time I go for a run.
Was on a run this morning listening to @bryanjohnson on Trevor Noah’s podcast

I learned he came from humble beginnings, that he can joke about the fact a lot of people are counting on him to randomly die in an ironic way for the memes, that one of his main “don’t die” missions is to keep his father in his 70s from dying (which after a quick search I realized his mother passed in 2013)

My critique of a space is usually proportional to the amount of exploitative hype and predatory misinformation around it. So I still have a lot of critiques and concerns with longevity as well as his approach, especially as someone who had started a startup in the space.

However, I do have a tiny bit of hope that Bryan’s ambitions go beyond himself and are in some part about helping others fight (if they have the resources to) against mainstream systems that would have them casually and perhaps without realizing it regularly harm their bodies.
Why is @cassie not being interviewed on every podcast, crypto platform, builders space etc.

Literally one of the most prolific builders/developers + a rare badass woman in the space

I say this totally blind not knowing if she has turned everyone down, but would love to see a voice like hers amplified everywhere 🙌🏽
The tech is rapidly advancing, but human empathy is not

Personalized medicine for dogs is going to happen before working class people can access affordable healthcare and a dental plan 😭
The barista totally butchered my coffee, but he’s new and I don’t want to kill his confidence, so I will drink this terrible coffee in silence 😭

(Not digital silence though 😅)
when the public finds out synthetic biologists are just forking nature straight out of her open source DNA code and not even doing the things nearly as well

🍐 😅
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As much as we are progressing, women are in danger and the dismissal and denial of their suffering is rampant.

The post itself is incredibly baseless, but it does put a spotlight on the very real issues we fight against daily.

Believe women.
Men go on runs shirtless and then go home and tweet about how inappropriate women’s workout gear is

I’m not even asking you to be a feminist.

I’m just looking for a modicum of common sense.
If you received an invite to a channel that you didn’t already follow it is because I didn’t realize the invite members list was a general list and not one directly from the channel followers 😅🙏🏽 but also welcome lol
Crypto catches the funniest strays 😂

S/o to all the trans baddies 🫶
There are tiny living things that grow and make billions of copies of themselves in less than 24 hours.

They adapt and evolve directly in response to the changes around them.

Seemingly less sophisticated beings significantly more capable than us at reinvention.

Are you evolving?

I work with tiny microbes that grow and evolve in ways that are physically impossible for humans.

Even in the harshest of conditions, where you least expect them, there they are, growing.

Are you growing?

So much of technology is influenced by sci-fi predictions and the imaginations of amazing writers and thinkers…however it seems like we have totally missed the point…

Many of these books and stories…are dystopias. They are warnings not instruction manuals.

It is very embarrassing when you really think about it
Ozempic the miracle drug is apparently also reducing addiction now??

This is getting to Hollywood levels of scientific storytelling.

If we are in a simulation, we need new writers.
