
@rac #5625

grammy award winning recording artist ~ r.ac
699 Follower 53 Following
what's the best place to offer LP rewards?
specifically on base and mainnet.

I see @aerodrome for base, but are there any other options worth considering?

something custom could be done, but if it works, why re-invent it?
over a year in the works
view from the @edcon stage
Claiming my /scoop profile with address: 0x4Eb480fD35A4F1938Ff1338723a5aceFbD09A4c7

let the scoop wars begin 🍦
spotify + myspace top 8 + dating app + farcaster = poke
Oscillator Inc.
@osc·16:35 21/05/2024

• pick your top 8 artists.
• match with internet friends.
• poke them.

built on farcaster.

it’s 2024 and this is still so stupid
onchain wrapped isn't possible ... yet
Oscillator Inc.
@osc·15:46 14/05/2024
what happens if we free music data?

💡 listen early for the top 1% of fans
for me it was @jacob
the auction mechanic, the treasury, the proposal process.
it all seemed destined to stick out in the sea of DAOs.
Toady Hawk
@toadyhawk.eth·18:40 08/05/2024
Let's play a fun little game: Who is the person or people MOST responsible for noun-pilling you, and how did it happen?

For me it was @seneca, and this one requires a lil screenshot essay:
i’ve never been much of a sampling kind of guy but i’m having fun.: https://drakula.app/post/1a63cd7b-91be-4788-954a-45b649b04149?invite=CrHnpM
i’m literally never going to use this
welcome @eldsjal !

for this brief moment i could get your attention, could you give us your opinion on user centric model?

i could see reluctance from the majors but i think it would be a big win for the indies.

at the scale of spotify it could really help artists.
wore this hat all day, had lots of interactions, hung out with friends…

nobody noticed lol not even a chuckle. womp womp

is this what getting older is like? lol
did you know that before founding farcaster, dan romero also created doom with john carmack in 91?
what if you could buy a vinyl record in a frame?
now you can :)

after i saw cookiecaster, i messaged @christopher with a simple ask.
"onchain merch store?"

@unofficial was kind enough to build this for us.

extremely excited to announce,
$RAC is migrating to @base

mainnet will continue to work but the tiny fees and consumer focus was always the heart of the token, so we're planning various rewards in the coming days.

migrate over via @superbridge
here's some thoughts on james blake's vault.fm

perhaps the issue is hype, because everybody was suddenly looking to james blake to solve all of music's issues lol

at best it's a more contained version of patreon, somewhere to throw old unfinished demos and charge people $5 bucks/mo for it.
this is my first drop in quite some time, and trying something new. back to basics perhaps.

only 25 editions -> 0.1 ETH

20 of them are available for prior sound collectors, starting in about 30 min at 0.069 ETH

surprise 🎂
HYPER is out this friday ✨
what if fandom could be defined by the artist?
what if it could be verified using onchain data?

were you here in 2017 and had the $EGO token?
how about in 2020 with the $RAC airdrop?
did you buy $TAPE before nftmania?

onchain is the new social graph and we're building it for music.
Oscillator Inc.
@osc·18:07 06/03/2024
Loading 100%

The first app on oscillator is now available.

˜”°•.˜”°• FanScore •°”˜.•°”˜

+ FanScore is the first, small demonstration of what's possible when artist and fan data is open.
+ we are trialling it with our contributor RAC

more abstract resin/glass
i've been obsessed with generating these glass cubes.
hi /nouns
@jx and I had the idea for nouns records, a music focused nouns project.

2 years ago we put a few things in motion, but I think the appetite for another nouns fork perhaps waned, and the market cooled in general. we also got busy with @osc

the original idea:

- cc0 record label
- events company
my fav part of farcaster so far is not having to dumb down crypto concepts because this audience already gets it.

that and ecological concern trolling in my replies.
got some big news.
@jx and I are starting a new music tech company.
if you could rebuild the music industry today, how would you do it?

-> @osc

that's the question behind everything and we hope to help shape this new direction.

if this message resonates with you, sign the manifesto and join us.
Oscillator Inc.
@osc·18:54 13/02/2024
+ hi,

+ music belongs to you, not platforms.
+ join us, sign the manifesto.

i've had so much fun creating these for my upcoming releases.

in the past I've spent tens of thousands on promo photos, stylists, retouchers/etc.. and there's still a place for that.

however, being able to create these types of images of myself without that is such a game changer.

dreambooth LoRa + mj6 + SDXL
was locked out, now i'm back!
what did i miss?
i’ve been having so much fun with midjourney and SD.

Being able to articulate what i want by using natural language is such a game changer for creation of my own album art.

I’ve always curated a specific aesthetic partnering with visual artists and it’s nice to take that on myself.
trying to explain to my business managers why i bought a toilet paper roll avatar for 80 ETH and why nouns DAO is the future of everything. https://i.imgur.com/QKoV9rP.png