

A privacy-first L2 on Ethereum. Community → | Roles → | Disclaimer:

ETH Daily - 7th October 📰

-Reducing slot times 📄
-Aztec mainnet roadmap 🛣️
-Aave GHO on Base 🗳️
-UniswapX on mobile 🦄
Okey finally completed merkle tree codes for @aztecnetwork

I also add proof generator too.

With this function people can generate merkle proof’s just as they can create hashpath.

I hope next step will ve verkle tries.
ETH Daily - 13th August 📰

-Aztec Network Devnet ⚙️
-Obol Contributions Program 🪙
-DeFi Saver Tx Saver ⛽️
-Safe reaches 10m accounts 🔐

Sponsored by @fireflyapp
If anything has product-market fit in web3 today, it’s decentralized exchanges.

Yet DEXs are in their infancy. Every trade you make is public...forever.

We’re bullish on Aztec’s ability to integrate privacy and move DEXs forward.

🏗️ Enter - Aztec Alpha Build: DEXs. Read on...
If anything has product-market fit in web3 today, it’s decentralized exchanges.

Yet DEXs are in their infancy. Every trade you make is public...forever.

We’re bullish on Aztec’s ability to integrate privacy and move DEXs forward.

🏗️ Enter - Aztec Alpha Build: DEXs. Read on...
👨‍🏫 Join
for Aztec Office Hours May 30 at 10am ET!

📜 We'll discuss Aztec Accounts - exploring the new Ethereum standards focusing on abstracting externally owned accounts to smart contracts.

🔍 Discover how Aztec's design leads the way. RSVP: