Shifting Internet Culture


Br✺wsing the Internet, one scroll at the time. Sharing around Shifting Internet Culture.

Nike is releasing a poncho that turns into a tent ⛺

/fashion /nature
🧙‍♂️ I'm co-organising a FREE 4 day event on onchain and decentralised culture during Ethcc in July in Brussels

Looking for sponsors / partners !

Here are some verticals for exemple : gaming, social media, digital IP / identity / fashion / luxury...

Recast pls

Dm open for more infos !
Unlimited production of digital goods is digital fast fashion. Onchain or not.

The Internet social network ecosystem is crazy

How can someone outside of it can understand that in less than a week we have

- The unknown x oompa loompa mother
- Dune 2 mêmes with Lisan al Gaib x Stilgar
- Kate Middleton conspiracy

Memes are the culture

/meme /screens /social /browse
Recommend Shogun, only 3 episode for now but it's one of the best serie out there

/tv /screens /japan /browse
GM everyone! 🧙‍♂️

Here's the first cast of the Browse Channel.

A Channel to discuss everything around connected culture and browsing on the Internets.

Movies, Comics, Innovation, Gamification, Fashion, Books, Articles...

Dont forget, We're br✺wsing the Internet, one scroll at the time!