

📊 Analysis of Layer 2 Transaction Activity (Last 30 Days)

This graph shows transaction volumes across different Layer 2 solutions over the past month. Here are some key observations:

1. Merlin leads the pack with consistently high transaction counts, averaging around 80,000-100,000 daily.

2. Bitlayer has shown impressive growth, starting from ~20,000 transactions and reaching peaks of over 60,000 in recent days.

3. BOB (Build on Bitcoin) maintains a steady performance, fluctuating between 20,000-40,000 transactions daily.

4. Stacks shows consistent activity, hovering around 10,000 transactions per day.

5. Rootstock has the lowest transaction volume, barely visible on the chart.

Notably, Bitlayer's rapid growth suggests increasing adoption and could be a project to watch. Merlin's dominance is clear, but the competition is heating up!

What's your take on these trends? Are you using any of these L2 solutions?

#L2 #Blockchain #CryptoAnalysis
this is base ,btc is the base
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