

If consumer crypto works, it’ll just be called consumer

anyone use yet? from the co-founder of honey

love how easy it is to understand

block ads, get paid.
consumer>retail? discuss
✅ consumer application

❌ consumer crypto application
my kind of channel babyyyyyy
the channel description goes hard ngl
Upcoming mobile onchain apps like @roamxyz make me confident that consumer crypto will soon take the spotlight and shatter the perception that crypto is unusable for the average person
For companies and brands coming onchain, it’s important to think about your content and marketing through the lens of “what would it feel like to mint this onchain?”

Minting should be the primary form of engagement, which socials can then help amplify
I’ve been in crypto for a while now, and /blackbird is the most substantive consumer product I’ve used

Building products and experiences that are truly differentiated via onchain is the only way
Crypto is already a large and growing consumer base
Onchain ownership is so important for brands, creators, and consumers

It’s the wedge for a much larger vision around co-creation, new commerce primitives, better incentive models, revenue share, and more
A common trend I’ve noticed these days is that once users get onchain with their wallets and start minting, trading, and experiencing what’s here, it’s really hard to leave

If we can get everyone onchain once and focus on making it easy and safe for them, they’ll naturally find things that are exciting to them
Crypto can help update the system, making money cheaper and faster, with fewer intermediaries and less fees
For the people who ask “what is the point of crypto?”
Nothing needs to be onchain, just like how brands don’t need to be online

But if you believe in a future where onchain ownership becomes as important as online presence, then that thing should definitely be onchain
Consumer social should be onchain

Just like how you are sovereign in your physical identity, you should also be sovereign in your digital identity
The benefits of crypto for the everyday consumer are starting to become very obvious
Send money as simple as sending a message
🧠 mint anything onchain

🌌 mint everything onchain
UX improvements to get us from consumer crypto to consumer
Cool to see how rapidly mobile UX is improving for onboarding and minting

We’ve come a long way, but we still have a long way to go