

Say something with meaning

really urks me that my dog doesn't understand the concept of time
artificial intelligence for creation
blockchain for verification
Bad strategy is long on goals and short on policy or action
The world belong to the obsessed
I want to be the best follow you’ve never heard of

I hate mainstream
Focus on the things that matter
I can live with failure

I can’t live with not trying
Walk more. Without music or distractions
Not everyone is going to make it
If it’s hard to chose, the options are comparable
Be the change you want to see
The round less traveled takes you to a different destination
Show me the inventive I will show you the outcome

If you don’t stand for something

You will fall for anything
I don’t want to be right , I want you to understand
Stop and smell the 🌹 s

Take two sniffs

Have a glass of wine

Enjoy the evening