

Why is distribution so poorly understood?

"When I ask new entrepreneurs what their distribution model will be, I often get answers like: “I don’t want to hire any of those Rolex-wearing, BMW-driving, overly aggressive enterprise sales slimeballs, so we are going to distribute our product like Dropbox did.” In addition to taking stereotyping to a whole new level, this answer demonstrates a deep misunderstanding of how sales channels should be designed." Ben Horowitz (on Distribution)

Ben Horowitz presents a straightforward and practical formula for developing a distribution model, making it accessible for everyone to comprehend.

The Fallacy of "Products Selling Themselves"

No matter how innovative or high-quality a product is, the belief that it will "sell itself" is a dangerous fallacy. Many founders fall into the trap of believing that great products sell themselves, but this is a fallacy. While a strong product is crucial, success depends on much more—strategic marketing, timing, and understanding customer needs.

Founders often assume that the quality or innovation alone will generate buzz and sales, but without proper promotion, even the best ideas can get lost in the noise.

A well-thought-out go-to-market strategy is essential to capture attention, build trust, and convert interest into sales. Ignoring this can lead to a great product gathering dust, rather than thriving in the marketplace.
Great advice on how to be seen on @warpcast, which leads to better /distribution of your art, ideas and products. If you want better /distribution on Warpcast, study @maretus.eth
"But for whatever reason, people do not get distribution. They tend to overlook it. It is the single topic whose importance people understand least. Even if you have an incredibly fantastic product, you still have to get it out to people. The engineering bias blinds people to this simple fact. The conventional thinking is that great products sell themselves; if you have great product, it will inevitably reach consumers. But nothing is further from the truth." Peter Thiel
