Do Something.


not /degen, not /donothing. the market is not efficient

almost made $30k on a betting app glitch but it got voided :(
200 grams of protein
you always hear CT talking about $PRIME

you never really hear them talking about playing the game

funny how that works
incredibly succinct thesis

technology -> speculation -> use cases

Many such cases
enjoyed this pod and the bit about “solved vs unsolved games”

it’s why new primitives can enjoy a 6-9 month period where new money can win until…
simply the best chart in the world
sometimes I forget all this is happening with rates above 5% lol

surprised Biden still hasn’t pressured to start cutting rates before November
I’m not nearly as much in the trading trenches as I was a few years ago

Idk if I’ve gone soft or just shifted from trading to investing
ngl getting a bit tired of the pre-bull

we’re almost there though
Cracked trade of last cycle: KBM flipping a zombie to 3AC for $1M profit in 24 hours
do not overtrade this summer. super -EV imo

establish your positions and let them ride
i think total memecoin market cap hits close to $1 trillion this cycle
bitcoin established itself 2012

2016 ethereum was worth more than 2012 bitcoin

doge established itself 2021

2024 ??? will be worth more than 2021 doge
reminder to self: you only need to be very right on one or two things
in hindsight I feel like the concept of “grails” was mostly invented to create opportunities for whales to do nft investments in size
once you are able to develop confidence in a thesis outside of the market’s approval (price)

that’s when you win
i was just looking at my 2021 returns and realized like 90% of my gains came between August and October 2021, I was holding stuff for like a week and flipping it for like 5x's somehow lmao

i'm expecting to be less in the trenches this cycle, but hard to see a scenario without massive speculation on the tail-end
anyone have any favorite strategies for selling tokens slowly over time?

current idea is to pick a price target and sell ~80% around that number, then hold 20% in case of crazier pump

same train of thought - price targets for btc/eth/sol ?
I never understood the “crypto is a casino” thing but this makes sense

Some people really are just playing slots
reminder that not all big money is smart money
i'm making many more gains onchain on Ethereum/L2s than on Solana, so I'm actively rebalancing gains back into SOL so I'm not overweight ETH, which I think has less upside this cycle