

technology, startups, philosophy

wherein you chose the "wrong" tech stack because you didn't know what the system needed to do ahead of time...

the next version will be way better. (generally, plan to throw at least one away)
there are people who only know who Barbra Streisand is from hearing about the Streisand effect…

absolute can’t-miss 🔔
awesome read.

“. . . I find that there is too much focus on looking around instead of looking within. We lack people with a vision.”
what’s the most complex machine every built by humans?
the most powerful rocket ever built took off on a test flight today…and is already back at its launch site 🤯
a bleak/pessimistic (but potentially accurate) assessment of where tech is headed 🫠
it is often much better to show than tell
“the limits of agency”
i watched a documentary about the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) today

this thing is a complete marvel of engineering, but the wildest thing about it is that the launch and deployment consisted of at least 344 distinct single points of failure, any of which could have caused the entire mission to fail as this elaborate apparatus precisely unfurled and calibrated itself in space

they went 344 for 344…absolutely mind-boggling (and even the engineers themselves acknowledge there was a lot of luck at play here)
put down your danger rectangle for a second and notice something in your environment you’ve never noticed before
do you think there is virtue in ambition?

why or why not?

are you from the East or West?
i did some generative art around the checks project.
my favorite check is my own #4096

1. 4,096 is the number of checks required to make a single black check (the end of the game)
2. i absolutely love how it turned out as a 5-check
every sufficiently complicated system perpetually runs in a degraded state.
found a person on reddit who is having an existential meltdown over fearing the time before he was alive…like, knowing all that time went by without him being aware of it is deeply unsettling and he can’t stop thinking about it

he even said it’s way scarier than knowing he will die in the future. i feel sorry for the guy, but also found it fascinating…i hope he finds some peace