Roads to Success


This global channel invites anyone, anywhere, speaking any language, to share their entrepreneurial and business success stories. Join us, get inspired, and engage in our worldwide dialogue.

Self-love is super important. It's all about realizing how amazing you are, setting some ground rules for better work relationships, and boosting your productivity. Plus, it's about taking care of yourself, finding that spot between work and life, and growing as a person. It's a win-win for you and your business! 🤝
In entrepreneurship, as well as in life, consistency is a superpower. It's not just launching a start-up, but persistently working towards goals. Successful entrepreneurs remain consistent, learning and adapting despite obstacles. This dedication transforms an average idea into a thriving business. 🚀

Do u agree?
성공으로 가는 길에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 이 채널은 어디에서든 누구나 환영합니다.

공유하고 싶은 사업 성공 사례가 있나요? 아마도 네 것? 이것은 기업가 정신과 비즈니스 환경의 멋진 세계에 대해 이야기할 수 있는 당신의 채널입니다.
Bienvenue sur Road to Success, cette chaîne accueille n’importe qui de n’importe où

Avez-vous une réussite commerciale que vous voulez partager ? Peut-être le vôtre ? C’est votre chaîne, où vous pouvez parler du monde merveilleux de l’entrepreneuriat et de l’environnement des affaires
We're taking this channel worldwide. Engage with us, share insights on business, entrepreneurship, and leadership! This channel has potential. Let's make it better together!
I'm starting a thread about Vicio, a digital burger restaurant in Barcelona. It was founded by Aleix Puig, the 2019 winner of MasterChef Spain, and entrepreneur Oriol de Pablo.

More info in comments 👇
Let's talk about entrepreneurship. It's not just about having an idea, solid values are required: perseverance, resilience, creativity, adaptability, and passion. What other values are essential? Share your thoughts 💭
¿Estás buscando inspiración? ¿Has oído hablar de la famosa marca de ropa Nude Project? Resulta que tienen un podcast, el "Nude Project Podcast", dirigido por Bruno Casanovas y Álex Benlloch. Si aún no lo has escuchado, te lo recomiendo. Prometo que no te arrepentirás de haber invertido tu tiempo en él.
Welcome to Road to Success, this channel welcomes anyone from anywhere

Do you have a business success story that you want to share? Maybe yours? This is your channel, where you can talk about the wonderful world of entrepreneurship and business environment
¿Te has planteado emprender alguna vez? Si es así, seguro que, en ese camino, te has encontrado con desafíos.

Nos encantaría conocer tu historia, o la de alguien que conozcas. Y si tienes algún consejo a partir de tu experiencia, ¿por qué no compartirlo? ¡Queremos saber de ti! 🤝
Empezamos con Odilo: "la edTech que ha conquistado los ordenadores de más de 9.300 organizaciones de 54 países, con más de 300 trabajadores y una base agregada de usuarios de más de 170 millones”

Que opináis? La conocíais?
¡Bienvenidos al Canal de Éxito Empresarial!

Como bien indica su nombre, este canal busca dar a conocer casos de éxito empresarial y emprendedores emergentes a través de nuestras publicaciones. ¿A qué esperas para unirte?