Super Elite Squad


Channel about Empress Trash and for Super Elite Squad Subscribers // Hypersub:

One of the funniest fuck you things to me as an ex pat in Mexico is the McDonald’s helados stands - like in the US the ice cream machines are never working. Ever.

Here they like don’t worry we got you fam ICE CREAM ONLY 😭🤣
GM I have recovered from being sick mostly after much sleep and left my apartment today to run errands for the first time in days of locking myself down not to spread disease and immediately when I stepped outside I greeted by a new Canadian neighbor who is fresh off the boat here.

I thought I still had a fever hearing Northern American English and accent but said I’m an honorary Canadian and now we frens.
Happy Full Moon <3
Sorry for the slight delay but this cycles moon kicked my ass but ~~~
Oracle has been airdropped to Full Moon Token Holders.
Thank you for holding another cycle.🌕🌕🌕
Happy Father’s Day to all my internet dads
Long sweatshirt + tall socks is peak comfort and style. 🖤
This was so much fun and can’t wait to do more 🥰🥰🥰🥰
New VR video up of me doing my first little bit of testing my new Quest 3 <3
I learned from the 10k edition mint out on Celo and the market pumping that I do in fact like having money - super especially money that I made from my art and want more of keeping buying my art please 🖤
Been quiet cause vibing around this weekend
1/2 Many people - galleries and collectors alike - are asking me for physicals lately, which I appreciate really. I have been pure digital artist besides some stickers for a few years now because I was so nomadic and wanting to give my body a rest from painting/installation work.
Going through archives and here is a piece I did in college - self portrait as a deer - about my relationship with my family, especially the matrilineal side.
The glow up continues featuring corset + crocs.
Well ChatGPT says I’ve made 2131 arts in 3 years - no wonder I’m tired.
Brighten ur hair, brighten ur mood.

I’ve been spending this week actually doing all the self care things and being grateful for everything. 🖤🖤🖤