

Vessel for the universe's revealed preferences

been sick for like a week and here are a few unexpected benefits:

1. forced caffeine fast
2. sleep schedule has been fixed a bit bc my brain can't stay up
3. able to sleep on my back more bc pure exhaustion
4. extreme caloric restriction from lack of appetite

turns out if you have some habits you have a hard time fixing bc you're naturally stubborn, just beat your body and mind into submission with viruses
idk what this means but i'm gonna wait if it's gonna be fire
i posted this then i got sick af and have been waking up in delirium at 3pm

i thiught i imagined that Iran launched missiles lol
imo all of the nft social apps like zora, rodeo, whatever are the same old features repackaged because the creators still don't know why people mint things

that's fine, but i feel like as a founder your goal is to at least strive to figure out the why if you don't know it yet
once i start waking up at 6am it's over for yall
haha it's so fucking rad when the train you pay for on top of taxes just decides to randomly stop in its tracks for no reason hahah i love when they do that it's so sick wasting time is top 5 coolest things you can do
every day i keep being like "crap do i have covid"

then i do one of three things:
- drink water
- eat fruits
- sleep for 7+ hrs

and then the covid goes away
my goal is to use my blackbird breakfast pass to get one god damn free coffee before end of year
can we talk about how insane it is that people can just fucking randomly call you

and it fucks up my music, my focus, everything

i wish i could send smells through the phone so i can hook up these spam callers directly to a nyc sewer
it bothers me when push/pull workout splits include even a single push movement on a pull day and vice versa

is it a big deal? no
does it help your body? yes

do i remove them completely just to smoothe out my ocd?

could have been a scheduled cast
left curve: take a nap
right curve: have caffeine

midcurve: sleep exactly 6.0 hrs and be too awake to nap but also no amount of caffeine will fully resolve the fatigue
been trying to cook more for health and now i have dreams about nubiani
i need the world to move on and leave alec monopoly in his grifter dust

how is this guy playing later than luzi tudor he's the Trubbish pokemon but irl
claude asking for a beating with the slipper
damn i've been using my drafts as a password manager, should've seen that one coming
i wrote this word vomit in obsidian in june to get my thoughts sorted on the openai and apple partnership

i thought openai had much more to gain (and lose) in the partnership, and concluded they would go into hardware taking their learnings from the partnership

today it turns out sama has been courting jony ive (this politics stuff is his primary skill) so it might happen sooner than expected. really curious what choices they make on design, i think it will be heavily constraint-focused since the previous AI hardware devices have all flopped and people cared much less about what it could do compared to how "extra" it felt (extra weight, extra volume, extra features, etc)

health fad predictions for 2025+

- optimizing breathing
- brain wave modulation
- consuming breast milk

continued growth:
- intermittent fasting, low carb, typical huberman stuff
- gut/hormone health, mark hyman stuff
- functional mobility (wide toes, knees over toes, etc)
best part of central park is definitely the ramble, only area that actually feels like hiking
testing frontend stuff is probs the #1 cause of carpal tunnel
trying to order korean food to celebrate the full moon/harvest (chuseok) but also not tryna pay $20 to ubereats for fees and tip

and everything nearby is shit