

Do you have pictures of fish? Do you love seeing pictures of fish? If so…share or simply enjoy some underwater photography with us ☀️

Good morning from Mr Yellowhead Eel

One of my favorite of over 800 species of eels

Eels don't have pectoral fins (side) like most fish and most all are carnivores and some even eat other eels

Most eels are nocturnal and feed at night

Eels live anywhere from 5 to 10 years in the wild and one species has been known to live up to 80 years in captivity

You can buy this one on @objktcom
Pirates anchor?

Really good chance this was from a pirate ship

Can you see the anchor?

This is off the cost of Little Cayman on a stretch of reef called Bloody Bay

The Cayman Islands are just south of Cuba and were stopping and settlement points for pirates in the 18th century including Black Beard himself 🏴‍☠️
I 🖤 Manta Rays

rain 10 $degen

That's the cast...
Red Grouper

They live on the bottom or near any structure

They are "bottom feeders" meaning they eat anything that is laying around dead or alive

One of the most widely commercially harvested fish mostly because of they are easy to catch on a hook & line

Not shy either.
One of my favorite fish portraits...

Triangular Butterflyfish
Undulated Moray Eel 💛

They have a lot of teeth

Some believe that they grow toxins in their mouths

They strike fast and hard...moving in with their teeth first
Underwater textures, contours & shapes

The mixture of shapes textures underwater is amazing

These designs are serve several purposes

Defense - looking dangerous or inhospitable

Camouflage - Blending in or changing

Shelter - Creating a home for other species

Most things don't actually feel like they look! 👀
Smooth Trunkfish

Hard outer body made up of bone-like exterior

Feeds on small things on the bottom by pushing jets of water from their mouth and "puffing" up the sand so they can scoop up their meals

They are toxic to most fish when attacked
Another Sea Crinoid..also know as a Sea Lillie

They belong to the starfish family and are "suspension feeders" meaning the eat what is floating in the water

They are more rigid than they appear

Some permanently attach themselves to the bottom or corals while others can walk along the bottom or even swim freely
Black Cheek Moray Eel

A.K.A "Eachow"

Meaning if you come too close he will "eachow a** up"

Can't you tell just by looking at him?
Pederson Cleaner Shrimp

These shrimp live in and around anemones & coral areas

They form a symbiotic relationship with larger fish such as eels & groupers primarily to clean teeth and areas around mouths

When diving, if you see one you can stick your finger out and he will quickly come to it and clean you right up!
Hawksbill Sea Turtle

Sea turtles are reptiles that live in the ocean unless they are nesting on a beach & laying eggs

They are easily identified by the upper jaw that is pointed & looks kind of like a hawk & have 4 little squares between their eyes

They live up to 60 years

Some cultures still harvest them for food
Buoyancy Control

When scuba diving one of the most important things to control is your bouyancy

You can do this by using your BDC (buoyancy control device) with compressed air from your tank or..

You can also do this with your lung capacity by inhaling or exhaling to make yourself float or sink

(Me a long time ago)
Sea Fans

They look like a plant but are actually an animal and related to corals

Their polyps are actually feathery and trap small particles for food

They often are a habitat for many small creatures

This is a purple sea fan or "Gorgonian" sea fan

Remember to meter the blue 💙
Shark Overfishing

Sharks are threatened with extinction due to the stress of fishing

Slow growth rate and late sexual maturity as well as a small amount of offspring make sharks a fragile resource

Cultural and regional stress on sharks are leading to a decline in the populations.
Basic underwater photography exposure

Basic metering of UW photography is simple start by "metering the blue"

You can do this at the start of a dive by metering the middle blue of the water halfway down to the bottom & set your shutter speed

Next set you set f-stop based on strobe power & distance from the subject
Good morning Friday ☀️

Scrawled File Fish following a Parrot Fish...
A little moray eel to end the day ☀️

Clark’s anemone fish

There are 27 different types of anemone fish

They live in sea anemones which are toxic to most other animals

Anemone fish live in groups with only one female in the group

Most anemone fish only live in one type of anemone

Clark’s can live in up to 10 different types though ☀️
Tattoo @ 35 meters 💛 (not mine)

Stingrays are carnivorous which means they eat animals smaller than themselves

Their mouths are on their undersides & although they have no bones in their bodies they have very powerful jaw strength

This allows them to crush up food like small crabs & shellfish

As you can see they are always smiling 😀
Common Octopus

Fun Facts:

They have blue blood
They have 3 hearts
ALL Octopus are venomous
They can change colors quickly
Their arms can perform separate tasks
Very very smart - quickly solving mazes and other tasks for food rewards
They have been known to pick sporting games outcomes 😆
