

For the grapplers of farcaster: the ones who are truly in the arena. An open place to chat about training, share videos, flex, whatevs. All styles from all countries welcome (BJJ, wrestling, judo, pehlwani, etc.)

Finding the rhythm for training logs once more...

Training log, no-gi: technical session was focused on a bunch of passes, all starting from mission control / headquarters. Included a knee slide, a leg staple into a step over / glide, a post to the shoulders followed by a kickback and into mount, and a hybrid glide-leg split thing which I can't easily describe.

Sparring was, as usual, 10 x five minute rounds. 2/3 I worked from top position (mostly moving through side control, turtle and open guard via scrambles). The rest I played from bottom, mostly in the range of half / quarter guard and mount / side control.
Training log, gi: worked basic spider guard mechanics and progressed into a simple sweep, an armbar, an arm drag and back take, and a Tarikoplata.

Sparring was 10 x 5 minute rounds. Each round I played a lot from bottom—mostly trying to recover from / escape half guard, side control and mount. Not exactly lethargic but not bubbling with energy, either.
Training log, gi, open mat: 12 x 5 minute rounds with people with a nice range of experience, skill and physicality—white to black, juvenile and female to smaller and bigger guys. Outcomes were equivalently spread.

A couple lighter, flow-y rolls to warm up (mostly playing open guard, messing around with leg entanglements and inversions). Other rolls I had control and spent time attacking from turtle and the back position. landing an omoplata and triangle. A few were more guided rolls with less intensity. Also ended up in some less fun positions—for example, getting 90% bow-and-arrowed which transitioned into a weird double arm bar.

Great session, overall.
Training log, gi: fundamentals session focused on the lockdown position. No sparring. I was partnered with someone who'd come for their first session. We worked through:

- Using the lockdown to recreate space and establish a frame from bottom
- Slipping out for an underhook and posting to the elbow
- De-basing the opposing leg and sweeping / passing to top position
- Establishing head-arm choke from the underhook and progressing through a sweep and into the submission finish

Vids below don't get at what we did in this session but show some of the basic mechanics.
Training log, no-gi: worked on mitigating the half guard knee shield by getting to mission control and passing. Worked first on a leg pin and opposite side pass, second on a conventional knee cut, and third on a slide over pass. Finished up with a backstep into the saddle position and a leg attack.

Sparring was 9 x 5 minute rounds. A few light and fast juvenile rolls, some standup action during which I landed a couple messy throws, an almost-pass* of our instructor's guard, and a fair bit of scrambling across open guard, side control, turtle and back positions.

*That's what it felt like anyway, but I'll defer to Feynman: "The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool."
Gonna experiment with some of these leg control / isolationtechniques this week.
I took the summer off from training because I wasn’t having fun anymore.

Trying again tonight.
Training log, no-gi: worked on a few moves originating from a knee slide pass in mission control. First, a pass into a pin and then an armbar. Second, a progression into quarter guard and then a backstep into either a pass or the saddle position. Third, a backstep followed by a rolling back take.

Sparring was chill. 9 x 5 min rounds. A couple light technical rolls focusing on guard entanglement, a round with a juvenile working on fast paced open guard pass/recovery, and some more regular rounds accepting bottom position and working on guard retention, recovery and sweeps.
Training log, gi: worked on a knee slide pass sequence beginning from mission control / HQ. Focused on details of control, response to initial defence/re-frame, switching quarter guard to technical mount, taking the back via a roll, and transitioning between the above to get the eventual pass based on the opponent's reactions.

Sparring was 9 x 5 minute rounds. Deliberately played guard from the bottom and focused on guard retention and recovery, and also included a few instances of more intensive wrestle ups/sweeps/attacking from top. Final round: FAFO'd using a belt as an implement to entangle, control, sweep, sub my partner—it was, uh, interesting.
Training log, no-gi: worked on a few things from half guard. First, a roll-under back take from the bottom. Second, an entry into deep half and a waiter sweep. Third, a back take in response to the opponent defending the latter stage of the waiter sweep.

Sparring was mostly calm and composed. Several sessions with juveniles and new-ish practitioners meant a mix of light/fast movement and guided rolls. Also included a couple tougher rolls with a nice balance of attacking, defending, and straight-up holding out till the timer ran down.
Favourite matches from CJI were the K.Ruotolo - A.Tackett match and the Davies - Dern superfight. Any other favourites?
Training log, gi. Worked on submissions from the guard with an overwrap/overhook: a cross-choke, an armbar and a triangle. Sparring was 10 x 5 minute rounds as usual...

The first four were, individually and collectively, probably the hardest rounds I've had for the last six months. High intensity plus high technicality against higher level opponents whose styles meshed with my own and who pushed just as hard.

The remaining rounds were still tough but included some nice scrambles. I also attempted to flit between untangling/deconstructing guards and using aggressive forward posts and sprawls to get passes.

Probably coasting off some of the post-CJI inspiration / energy, but also starting to dial back in on time-restricted eating, which has a noticeable effect on my energy / intensity and recovery between rounds.
Training log, gi: worked a progression from closed guard > knee cut pass > paper cut choke > reverse triangle from the back.

Sparring was 10 x 5 minute rounds. Got caught in a couple head-arm chokes and triangles, attempted some awful deep half entries and gave up position multiple times, and also played around with some more exuberant pass and sweep attempts.
just finished an Open Mat class with ppl from the advanced class

I’m dead

and feel like a complete wuss

Tbh I feel bad that half way through my energy levels were so low I couldn’t really give anyone a good roll

I often pride myself on at least having good cardio

ten minute games and 6 minute rounds vs 5 minute games and 5 minute rounds that I’m used to
who's watching CJI rn?
Training log, gi: worked on entry into deep half guard followed by a forward sweep, a reverse sweep, an exit to a back take, and a waiter sweep (the waiter sweep we drilled was from the deep half like the first vid but with the knee in like the second vid's setup).

Sparring was 8 x 5 mins round. 70-80% of the time playing from bottom whilst feeling energetically flat, allowing passes and control and working on defence/guard recovery. Other 20-30% I was more active—either attacking from open guard or playing chess with lapel and leg entanglements.
Training log, no-gi: drilled a straightforward butterfly sweep before progressing into 1) a deep half guard sweep and 2) a deep half guard pass into a rolling back take.
Training log: nogi

Yesterday: open mat, 8 rolls - focused on control and technique

Today: drilled a variety of toe holds, then had 4 fun rolls
Training lot, gi open mat: 10-12 x 5 min rounds in the summer heat. Played around in each roll. Experimented with:

- aggressive forward posting to hands to float over guard and leg tangles
- quick wrestling shoots from open seated guard
- some excessively rotational sweeps using butterfly hooks, spider guard, arm wraps
- staying completely out of contact with the ground when attacking opponents from turtle, side control and quarter guard
- recovering guard from mount or bottom quarter guard using leg lockdowns

Some of it worked—for ex. scored some real flow-y sweeps. Some of it didn’t—for ex. wrestler shoots landed me right in guillotines and with someone on my back.

All good fun, though.
I just got hip tossed into next week and I’m reevaluating my life decisions in the car
Training log, no-gi: drilled arm drags, pummelling and single leg shoots to start. Then worked on hip bump sweeps, kimuras and arm bars from closed guard.

Sparring was a lot of fun. Experimented with some takedowns and throws. Low success rate but did manage a high underhook into a nice trip. On the ground, had a few sequences floating and posting over guard, evading recovery and staying on the back. Also had to survive a few rounds of tough pressure and arm/neck attacks from mount.

Fun session overall.
Training log, gi: drilled armbar variations from closed guard and some defences:

1) Attack: underhooking the leg and swinging out for armbar
2) Defence: get head control, stack 'em, yank arm free and pass
3) Attack A: semi-invert when stacked and exit for the reverse arm lock
4) Attack B: switch to the near arm for a reverse lock
5) Defence: pressure forward to free arms and return to normal guard
6) Attack: prevent the return to guard and hit the Canto choke

Sparring was a real range of rolls. A couple times getting pressure passed and gradually squished up and subbed; a few stalled out with me on bottom in side control or mount and almost escaping; a few getting to top position and either experimenting with passes or evading guard recoveries.
Back to training this week. Enjoyed some of the details in this workshop, as well as some of the higher level comments—e.g. graceful degradation of technique as one ages, practice and drilling as a way to shorten space between opportunity, decision and execution.