Hate Therapy


Do you have any hater stories? Use this channel to share and discuss anything that makes you a hater or someone else a hater. This is a parody channel for /fuckin-around.

proud haters of people who ask shit before even googling it, unite
i hate vesting/staking/locking all of it
Don’t you /hate it when someone on mass transit has their video volume on max, so everyone else can’t enjoy it too?
I.. hate… mosquitoes…
i despise these new bots so badly

i hope they rot in hell 😤
Hello Haters. Anyone /hate having car trouble where you wasted your whole weekend trying to resolve it. Respect the /hate.
If you are staying at your in-laws for an extended stay, you know they /hate you and
you /hate being around them. How would you handle it? Asking for a fren. /hate /hate /hate
Anyone ever /hate having sad feelings that you can’t seem to shake off? What is your secret remedy? Asking for a fren.

Respect the /hate.
Don’t you /hate it when someone walks in on you while you are taking a shit in a public restroom, because you forget to lock the door? Hate hate hate.
When you /hate that you can’t ball because you are hurt, and you make this gif. Respect the /hate
Don’t you /hate playing ball with someone that constantly makes a big deal of every mistake the team makes, but all he does is chunk and misses long 3s and doesn’t rebound. Hate hate hate.
Don’t you /hate attending mandatory work training sessions that is given by idiots?
Hate having a friend that is stinky all the time, but everybody were too polite to tell him that he is stinky. Five years later and we are still dealing with his smell. 👃 Respect the /hate.
GA Haters! Don’t you /hate when someone is riding their bike on the sidewalk and blames you for almost hitting you? Respect the /hate. 👊
I imagine this is what you all think of me. Respect the /hate.
The /powerless hater wants you to tell him your deepest darkest secrets about being a hater or have encounters from the hating kind. Love thy hater.

Reply below & recast what /hate have been troubling you. Doctor Powerless Hater will provide a prescription 💊 to make you feel better.

Respect the /hate to heal.
GM Haters! I /hate getting robbed this morning by Northwell Health Urgent Care. Paid $500 for a meh 😑 service on a doctor’s visit in the USA 🇺🇸. Anyone else /hate the USA 🇺🇸 healthcare system?
isn't it crazy that people like butterflies but hate moths..

they're basically the same thing
Hate Therapy is now in session. Please tell Doctor Hater your deepest darkest secrets about being a hater or have encounters from the hating kind. Dr. Hater will provide a prescription 💊 to make you feel better.

Reply below and/or Quote Cast what has been troubling you. Respect the /hate.
GM Haters! Check out this cool new frame!

Doctor Hate Therapy is now in session. Please share any stories IRL and/or FC getting hated on and/or being a hater via a reply below. Doctor Hate wants to hear about and will provide a “healthy prescription!” Respect the /hate.

I also appreciates any recasts/quotes.
GN Haters. Hope no haters are living in your head rent free. Have a hater-less sleep. 💤
Haters! Don’t /hate that my stats are going up, cuz I’m looking to share with my fellow OG haters! Appreciate if you drop a comment below, quote, recast, and like.

Share what you hating or getting hated on in IRL, if any. I’ll bet you won’t hate sharing it! You know we are real up in here. Respect the /hate.
Haters! Ever had a friend that hated that you said “I do not want to engage with you anymore” and then ghosted him? Respect the /hate.
Haters. Let me introduce /hate tank! Imagined by @strangesmell

“Hate tank crushes all, hate tank charges toward castle gates, hate tank breaks chains and rips up road, hate tank does not stop, hate tank flys flag that says "hate!!!"”

Welcome Hate Tank to the Hate Channel. Respect the /hate