


team lunch @ hylé!
last day before i stop freelancing for @hyle-org is friday. after that, i get a month off before (finally) joining full-time!

so excited to finally join the team for good 🎉
Swag so good for @hyle-org folks are wearing it on dates 🫡
focus only on verifying
privacy is pretty cool
The more we look at blockchains, the more @sylve realizes that you can do a bunch of cool stuff on top of crypto without doing everything onchain!

Watch his full talk at Trust Infrastructure Day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pa0HuzaqIWU
🚅 Today, we are delighted to announce our brand-new partnership with @Sindri!

Together, we transform ZKPs from a niche cryptographic concept into an accessible, universal utility.

Our announcement: https://blog.hyle.eu/news/hyle-sindri-the-easiest-way-to-harness-zero-knowledge-technology

🧵 ⬇️
Today's hot take is brought to you by @sylve
That's really cool! Gotta start thinking of interesting uses for /hyle and /trustinfra 👀
We're so proud to have the Cherry Crypto team working with us! This is a brilliant write-up of what we're doing, and why native ZKP verification is important to blow open the design space of decentralized application!
new chan who dis