

A space for stray thoughts that live in between. For those half-formed ideas that carry the weight of potential. Unfettered by structure or expectation, to capture ideas in their rawest form. Here, we write not to conclude, but to dance with uncertainty.

If we expand the boundaries of what's thinkable we can expand the boundaries of what's doable
Immutability is a forced tolerance of time & history as it happend

We cannot erase mistakes on-chain

this is a good thing a net good tbh
I’ve gotta reserve more time for quiet contemplation frfr
We suffer more often in imagination than in reality

- Seneca
" the more you do, the more you do. the less you do the less you do "
Internal validation will set u free
The french revolutionaries:
from genetic code to computer code, always recreating ourselves

Life imitates art
The measure of a man's fortitude is the amount of Jr.chickens & Mcdoubles he can eat in one sitting
even if it feels like no one will ever read or see what you create, create anyways

beautiful things dont need an audience
Tolerance is something that can only be granted by those with the ability to be intolerant

It’s easy to be tolerant when you have no power to stifle ideas you don’t agree with
Born to goon forced to microsoft outlook,

such is the way of modern man
banger, i’ve been doing this recently as well, toning down the amount of podcasts & content i consume.

It’s weird to drive or go for a walk with no stimulation, no music or podcast or audio book etc. But it shouldn’t be weird lol.

Just used to being over stimulated..

Have to make the time to see & refine the contents of your own thinking.

Consume, then digest , & try to form your own opinion & add something new
A season for a reason, nothing lasts for ever and that should be comforting
I haven't been alive for most of history & i likely won't be alive for the rest of history, but for the time that I am here, I'd like to significantly impact it
I hate being bad at shit, but the only way to get better at something seems to be sucking at it & doing it over & over again till you suck less & less

The greatest people in the world once sucked
Felt like this belongs here too. Life must be lived
Incredible that this was written in the 1800's n is still on point, people are still afraid of being perceived

human nature is human nature
Narrow is the way fr fr
Tbh all we really are is a collection of memories, with no memories there is no "you"
My life is turbulent & i wouldn't want it anyother way

choppy waters make for a masterful sailor
Web3 feels like it was created with creatives in mind

The own era