

cast your text as an image

fix a bug where imagecast root casts from the composer action weren't working.
locked in count is now active! after you lock in a cast, you'll see a counter of the total number of times you've locked in casts.

you're only able to lock in a cast a single time - locking in a single cast multiple times has no effect.

once you lock it in it stays locked in - there is no locked in drift!
i like how the moxie cast action lets you see how much moxie the caster earned from the cast. ill work this week to update the imagecast cast action so it shows how much the caster has earned from others locking in the imagecast. thatd be fun
first distributions of moxie went out just now

here's the breakdown on how they were calculated:

* using imagecast and locking in your cast: 7 moxie
* locking in someone else's imagecast: 2.5 moxie
* someone locks in your imagecast: 2.5 moxie

for the address, the 0th address in your farcaster verifications was picked

fun stat: a little over 1300 moxie were distributed in this batch

coming soon:
* frame to view and change your distribution address
* frame to view pending distribution amount
* frame to frame the framed frames framing frames framed by frames

things to remember:
* this is an experiment! distributions will likely change
* always stay locked in
doing an experiment with the locked in quotecasts. initially, the quotecast would embed the imagecast image as well as the imagecast frame. my thinking here was to allow for a quick way to browse all the images that were created (and locked in) with imagecast.

this also hides the frame a bit. i'm going to put together a leaderboard to see who locks in the most imagecasts, for fun and profit, and i want to make it easy for folks to scroll the /imagereply feed and lock in posts with abandon.

i'll play around and see how it looks with no image embed on web and mobile. it's wrapped in a feature flag (an excuse to start using feature flags, too!) so i'll turn it on and off and on and off quite a bit as i'm playing around with it.
bug where someone other than the caster locks in an imagecast, and the resulting quotecast in /imagereply doesn't contain the actual quotecast, just the image, has been resolved.

doesn't matter who locks in an imagecast, the cast will be quoted properly in /imagereply
after using the cast action post-lock in button, it was pretty annoying having the lock in button on the right, and the reply button on the left

so i moved them. the lock in button is on the left, reply button on the right.
there's a bug with quotecasting in /imagereply - seems like a lot of the time only the image is getting casted and not the actual quote of the frame
i wanted to draw up a little bit about how imagecast works behind the scenes. it's been very fun to build, and i enjoy using it quite a bit. once the composer action is done it should be a much smoother ux as well.

* every imagecast is a frame
* every imagecast lets users reply directly from the frame
* every reply from an imagecast frame is itself an imagecast
* locked in imagecasts show up in the feed in /imagereply

if you like pictures, here's a pretty one that claude wrote that (mostly) shows how the process works. the flow pictured here starts when a user is replying to an existing imagecast. it's the same flow when you are using the cast action, as well.
some updates

imagecasts, once locked in, will be quote casted by @theframebot in /imagereply . replies to imagecast in direct chat and group chats will cannot be quote casted in /imagereply

when you're replying to an imagecast in a direct chat or group chat, it will be casted as a root cast. you can then copy/pasta that cast into your chat and it will show up as a frame that others can reply to.
imagecast frames have a friendly bot @theframebot that quotecasts imagecasts in /imagereply

that's the only place the bot will cast, and no pinging so hopefully it isn't too spammy

you can browse the feed on /imagereply to interact with imagecasts, lock in, reply, all that jazz
let's try an experiment. first, a story.

i made /imagecast as a silly way to cast. type words, put words on image, cast.

originally, just an image. then, frame. then, frame with frame reply.


then moxie dropped. now you can earn moxie by casting bangers. devs can earn moxie when people interact with their frames

let's combine that. earn moxie when you use imagecast. earn moxie when people reply to your imagecast

this is an experiment. keep that in mind. shipping fast here.

here's how it'll work (thus far):

* install imagecast cast action
* reply to bangers using the cast action
* your reply will be a frame. lock it in! (tap the `lock in`) button
* get 10 moxie for locking in
* when others reply to your frame using your frame, and lock it in, you get 5 moxie

key takeaways:
* this is an experiment
* always locked it in
* anyone can lock it in
* this is very silly
* install the cast action
we do a little emojis. finally.
fixed a bug where channel and reply casts from the main frame weren't honoring the channel-specific background

then took the opportunity to introduce a new bug were root casts wouldn't embed the frame

then fixed that one, too. sometimes, gotta make work to stay busy amirite
oops, shipped this last night and neglected to drop a note. Imagecast now supports per channel backgrounds
there's also the imagecast cast action. using the cast action, you can reply to any cast on warpcast, directly from the cast.

your reply will follow the same pattern as the frame - enter your text, view the preview, cast via the cast intent. the resulting cast will have your imagecast in a frame, with a reply box and submit button
imagecast: cast your text, as an image.

how it works: you can use the frame below to enter the text you'd like to cast. on the next screen, you'll see a preview of what the imagecast will look like. you can (optionally) enter a channel name, or a cast hash, then tap the appropriate button.

you can also leave that field blank and tap root cast to cast it as a root cast.

imagecast uses cast intents, and embeds a frame in the intent. you'll be shown a preview, and have your normal cast editor view of the cast. tap cast, and away we go!

the resulting frame will have your imagecast, as well as a text box, and submit button. other farcaster users can use the text box to craft their own imagecast, as a reply to yours, directly from the frame.

and the process repeats.
this week for imagecast i shipped:

* imagecast frame
* imagecast cast action
* imagecast reply chain frame

also, put together an alternate cast image. i'm kind of vibing with the simple purple background and white text though, so i'm not sure if i'll ship it next week or not. only next week will tell, i guess!
frame replies are working, but need to be wired in to the og imagecast frame. it's been over a day and a half, maybe 2 days? so that means calling it `og` is acceptable in my book.

should ship tomorrow am
i feel like the prepopulated text i have set is ...annoying. there's a reference to /imagecast in the image, which seems like more than suitable attribution.

i'm going to try switching the prepopped text to something like [placeholder text, please replace].

maybe a quick word that even if the image doesn't render in the preview, the image WILL be included in the cast (bug with image embed previews in cast intents)