

thoughts, ideas and creations.

Whenever I'm productive and actively doing things — I always feel like there isn't enough time to do that what I desire to do but whenever I'm wasting my time that urgency fades which concerns me.
Ice cream forces you to eat it quickly, otherwise it melts.
I've had several periods in my life where I became obsessed with specific things. Some of these obsessions had a negative impact and needed to be discarded but others led to positive results.

Yesterday, I reflected on what triggers these positive obsessions in me, and I realized these moments were usually triggered by my curiosity and competitiveness.

What triggers positive obsession within you?
What do you need to get done today?
You don't have to look, you'll see it eventually anyways.
Be present; days are longer and more productive that way.
If you’re truly your own worst critic, no other critics should affect you.
Are you truly your own worst critic?
Convey feeling through your creations.
I need to create and stop asking for permission.
The curation of people.
My life is my canvas and my creations will reflect that.
I’ll truly put my all into all of my creations.
Life is way too precious to worry about stupid things.
I want to redesign the way we communicate/create online.
The ideas, the visions and the articulation of these is there. now we learn how to create the art itself.
Winters always take a toll on me mentally and physically.

I’m unsure what it is specifically but I’ll live somewhere warmer next winter to see how that works out for me.

Any suggestions on where I could go next winter?
Learn to execute your visions.