

This is interesting regarding handedness

Specifically left handed & ambidextrous

Environmental factors play a role... "study also showed that while genetics plays an important role, environmental influences have a more significant impact on which hand a person favors".

This makes sense since decades ago you were not allowed to ✍️ left handed in most schools...

Anyone know why 23andMe doesn’t show handedness?

10% of population should be enough sample size…
@dwr.eth the channel owner for /leftys isn’t active, can I get it?
For hundreds of years our people were hunted, and we still are in some parts of the planet. This is what makes me nervous about being too vocal.

I look at all the dumb bullshit reasons why people are hunted today. Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, religious and ethnic bullshit. That could be us again.

We live in a golden era where left handed people are treated well. It's probably in our best interests to ensure the right handed folk don't catch on to our agenda.