
This channel is about art brut or outsider art… Please cast only materials in the channel that meet the definitions of art brut, outsider art or folk art. Thank you! Enjoy!

Malcah Zeldis (born Mildred Brightman; September 22, 1931) is an American folk painter. She is known for work that draws from a mix of biblical, historical, and autobiographical themes. (wiki)
"Dinah is a Los Angeles born and raised musician turned artist. She mostly paints from memory or imagination but will often use the faces of musicians and actors to complete a piece. Her other influences are tarot cards, alternate universes, the surreality of Whittier, the idea of many lives living under the same sky, and dreams"
(From the @folkartwork IG account)
Mohammad Barrangi is an artist born in Rasht, Iran in 1988. Barrangi studied art before moving into book illustration, graduating from the Islamic Azad University of Tonekabon in 2011. He left Iran in 2017 and lives in Yorkshire (wiki)
Ionel Talpazan (1955-2015)

"Talpazan became fascinated with UFOs when, as an 8 year old boy in Romania, he believed he had seen a UFO. Throughout his life he drew, painted and sculpted UFOs."
Found an amazing book about Alexander Lobanov and his art
///Lee Godie, a much beloved figure to the art world of Chicago in the 1970s and 80s, basically lived on the streets, sleeping on benches and painting on the grass in the parks.///
My rare allowance is 10 times bigger then degen :D
So I will tip all my rares (80) today to the /outsiders channel.
image: Henry Darger
Stills from Yevgeniy Yufit movies...
Evgeny Yufit is one of the founders of necrorealism. An artistic movement in Leningrad in the 1980s (now St. Petersburg) for which death and dying were the center of works and actions in painting, music and film.
Proud that I knew him personally
Raphaël Lonné (1910-1989)

A french working class man, he started to draw at 40 yo after a spiritism experience. Extremely detailed works.
Alexander Lobanov
(Born in 1924, Lobanov contracted meningitis before five years old and was left deaf and mute. A very rebellious and aggressive child, and having lost his access to support and rehabilitation, he became increasingly volatile until his family had him confined to a mental asylumin 1945.)
"The Trial of John Brown" , 1942.
Horace Pippin

Henriette Zéphir (1920-2012), a french mediumistic painter.

Untitled, 1962, ink and color pencil / Untitled, 2009, ball pen (and watercolor?)
Prisoner wallet
Unknown author
Turkey 1960-1970
Sharing this mini thread here too, because Lattier is bordering outisder art imo. He started drawing as he was a sick child, and he started this dark series in a psychiatric hospital ( because he refused to go to war in Algeria)
And another one artwork by the same mysterious H. Werbeck which I found today at a fleamarket...
1930. Inscription below. 1)Before the Ride 2)The Rider at the Bodensee 3)After the Ride... (Bodensee is the lake in Germany/Switzerland/Austria)
Well, one of the work by the mysterious H. Werbeck which I found today at a fleamarket "Rules for citizens if they outside the city" - you can't behave as in the 1 or 3 parts of the triptych, you need to walk in formation as in the middle 1931-32. These are the last years of the Weimar Republic soon the Nazis will come
Collected some (six) art-brut pieces today on a flea market by H.Werbeck (?) 1931-32y Germany (Weimar Republic). Graphics in almost a perfect conditions. Will scan in evening all of them
Juliette Élisa Bataille, "Montmartre et le Moulin Rouge", 1949, wool and cotton embroidery thread on cardboard, 52 x 53 cm
A bit more portion of Ion Barladeanu
Compiled by @nicup