
RADAR is a global community of people thinking about and building better futures. https://www.radardao.xyz/

I discovered Pookie & Jett today, and once I got over my initial cringe response, I was entranced

It got me thinking about how negative content about romance has been for the past few years, and maybe we need a break from therapy lingo and loving ourselves first

Maybe we all just need to be a Pookie now and again
What if?

Join us for a live emotional rollercoaster (but a nice one. maybe an emotional log flume?)

FREE and open to the public

🎟️ https://lu.ma/y7l9rcgk
I got a whole 6 days y’all. Today we start over and try again 🫡

On the topic of imaginary futures from the past, I found this incredible timeline of fictional futures and the years they take place ⏳
What’s your favorite imaginary future from the past?

One of mine is definitely the future in Spongebob when everything is chrome
The work of art that happened during today’s Campfire Workshop 🏅
Reminder that tomorrow is the July Worldbuilding Campfire for the topic ‘What role does sport have to play in better, more inclusive futures?’🏂

RADAR campfires are a collective brainstorming blast

Join at 10 am EST 🏊🏼‍♀️
2 years ago I wrote the essay “Post-Individualism and the Evolution of Identity in Web3” and it changed my life!

I recently republished it to my Substack because the original publisher took down their blog

Our newest campfire has started. We’re thinking about the Future of Sports in the RADAR Discord. More specifically, sports as fuel for culture 💭⚽️

Sports set the stage for collective effervescence; they translate local culture into global phenomena; they bring us together into emotionally-fueled rituals

When you think about sports as culture fuel, what comes to mind?

(Clearly I think of Rollerball when I think of the future of sports, but I’m hopeful the multiplayer future won’t be a dystopian)
My streak lasted one day 😮‍💨 it’s okay, I don’t give up easily. New streak starts now!

I’ve been obsessing over is Nick Susi’s essay “Magic, Online!” in one of my fave pubs Do Not Research

I love the art and was floored to find out it’s made by RADAR member @domingobeta 🔮

Link ⬇️
I’m starting a /radar streak 🏃🏻‍♀️ let’s see how long I can go. Every day I’ll post something cool / interesting / inspiring that’s sourced from the Radar community or about the future in general 🔮

Day 1: from August to October, we’ll be collaborating on a multi-player journey to a Future in Love 💞

Wanna get started now? I’ve been cultivating this arena board and it’s open - add links, text, images, sounds, or any other media your heart desires to show us what a future where we all lead with love might look like 💌

A Future in Love Coded 🩷⚡️
RADAR things a-brewin’ onchain 👀
Took this from /therapy but felt it had a very /radar vibe and had to share 😎

Whose gonna tell David Lynch about RADAR?