

Place to open-mindedly discuss and understand different religions as well as religion as such

Fuck.. this really connects with the current frequency of my mind

Faith = letting go was the big epiphany I had right before Fall

It's crazy how all spiritual paths merge at some point

Idk if belief = clinging tho, need to think ab it more. I settled at hope = clinging. Belief seems to be very close to Faith.
I'm not even mentioning a lot of the synchronicities that are happening with me believe it or not

Really selecting particularly striking ones so that it's not too overwhelming on the tl
Today I Learned that the way I relate to life has a huge overlap with how Gwynne does

I'm so glad to have found her here because it adds support to the epiphanies I've had. Because sometimes I doubt if I'm just crazy since Idk ANYONE who believes the things I do

Maybe worth noting something that's different between us as well: I don't ask the universe for what I want but I'm always having a live conversation with the universe.

This is where my bio "Co-creator of the universe" comes from btw (if you ever wondered wtf I'm on lol)
In a sense, this is the most true it can be with spiritual stuff.

Because it's the one case where even the person who has the deeper knowledge of the two (cuz they've experienced it) may still have a language too primitive to be able to explain it at the equivalent depth

Most of the times both are at arithmetic, just one at addition and the other at multiplication
She literally said it twice

Imagine how important this must be
You know how ppl say "akshually" we're so insignificant compared to how big the universe is? But whenever I come across this fact below, makes me think we shouldn't feel that way...because maybe we're not
Ignore the pope. He’s not your boss.
God, please let me be more humble

- prayer -
If you've questioned your religious beliefs, how did it start?

My questioning of religion began when I was sent to a Quran course as a child (10), mostly to fit in with religious relatives. The teacher was harsh, lacking the mercy often preached, and my relative's suggestion of competing with my cousin pushed me to start questioning religion.