Sci Fi


A friendly place to chat about anything Sci fi related. Books, films, actual interdimensional space travel. Have fun!

This is my report of the first successful cryogenic patient.

In 2024 patient [Sussana Smith] began seizing. MRIs revealed a 2.5inch brain tumor in occipital lobe. Deemed non-operable. And terminal. Patient's familiy opted to freeze.

Thaw date was December 6th, 2054.

After FDA approved advanced AGI surgery [2034], patient's brother [Steve Smith] successfully petitioned for in-cryo tumor removal surgery. The procedure was completed successfully on June 5th, 2035.

On December 6th, 2035, patient was revived from cryo.

Has anyone read The Broken Earth series?

I really enjoyed The Fifth Season, but The Obelisk Gate is soooo slow. I think I've been reading it (via Audible) for almost a year.

Should I read the last book in the series? Does it pay off? /books
Hi everyone! Looking for great sci-fi books that came out in the last 2 years.. if space opera even better! Any suggestions??
I was hoping there would be a thriving SciFi channel on here but it looks like everyone went home!
Not sure im excited about this tbh. 1st film was perfect. Trilogy was very good. Latest one was a bit meh
how would you use a star and imaginary technology?
Used to have this debate with friends when I was at school. Who would win in a fight?


I was team Neo obviously.
I feel like "In Time" had the potential to be one of the best movies ever. It's just needed a better writer and probably a better actor than Justin Timberlake (no shade JT).

Come to think of it, I bet the time based currency was built on blockchain tech 🤔
Dune 2 reviews I here are very good. Anyone seen it yet? I read the book years ago and saw the 1st film, but need to give it a rewatch I think before seeing the new one.
Throw back to 1997 and starship troopers. Great film!
Only 20 odd years late, but I just finished Consider Phlebas by Ian M Banks today. Great read! Player of Games next.
Experimenting with creating a channel. Welcome to the home of Sci fi chat on Warpcast!