Sina's wall


For friends new and old.

I watched the Ethereum documentary last night.

One of the themes that stood out to me was the resonance between nature and the internet worlds we’re creating. The trees in Marin. The infinite garden with its branches and evolution. Vitalik’s description of blockchains as digital life - once they’re seeded, they begin to grow without anyone being able to really control or stop them. Danny’s “I would either be working on this or I would be living in the woods”. It’s operating at multiple levels - there’s a way in which human beings end up reenacting nature, and there’s also something in the human psyche that resonates with this external form.

Anyway, enough with the armchair philosophy... I loved the documentary and would recommend watching if you haven’t.
One of the coolest parts of building this new social web is that it doesn’t have to be done in a single-threaded way. The data is open and the stack is programmable. X is a product and can only try one thing at a time; this is an ecosystem and can run a thousand experiments in parallel.