single parenting


Discussions about single parenting. Venting is ok. Celebrating also ok. For all of us who are raising kids without the financial or emotional support of the other half.

High School kept covid practices of having most everything in software. But the fucking UX is total shit! Before the kids even get to the course material, they havta navigate lists of links, nested in lists if nested lists of links, like an invisible labyrinth.
if i seem distracted today, i'm actually super focused on hunting down something we CanNot go without!!!
Today at 4pm I have to
- make sure kid#4 is in her music class
- attend kid#4 parent-teacher meeting (gonna skip kid#3 parent-teacher meeting)
- attend Octant's growth accelerator call
How many parent teacher meetings will be planned on the same time and day this year?
Today is the last day of 14 days without kids. Not feeling guilty of having enjoyed every single day
After 2.5 weeks on the road with the kids I happily handed them over to granny.
Happy because they were happy to see granny.
Happy because I'm looking forward to "me time".
Happy because when asked what they learned about themselves they said "family is fun"
working from home during summer break. = 24/7 interuptions
I always have been really uncomfortable with the label “super mom”.

One part could be the covert Christian upbringing.

Another part is the image of a super hero - lone strong person that saves the day - that feels suffocating.
Me telling the kids to have breakfast now

Also me realising we don’t have food and I have to do the groceries. Now
I’m trying to make myself a salad since 5 o’clock. 80 minutes later and it’s still not done
Hosting a session in parenting, teens, social media and technology. Happening now
I'm so tired I struggled to order coffee. kid#4 is doing kickboxing and I don't feel like going back and forth.
For many years now Friday dinner has been me pointing at the kitchen and tell the kids to help themselves
Okay, travel for work...I've brought the teen with me before, and that's a great time but at least triple the cost. I have options for child care, but afterwards we have reunion pains, bc they treat him like master-king. Without a co-parent, it feels like there's always a compromise.
Tell me you aren't single parenting without telling me that you aren't single parenting
After 6 alternating missed calls my single-mum friend and I finally could chat
Hardest or most annoying part for me about single parenting is that I have to be always on. No matter if I'm at FarCon, sick, tired, stressed... I'm on.

What about you?