make $smh meaningful – Post your frustrations! Shake your head, post your thoughts, get some $smh and move on. Rounds paid out from $smh fees.
someone shares legitimate feedback about your product and your response is unfollow and ignore?
smh aint dead yet
participate in the round to get free $smh !
participate in the round to get free $smh !
Didn’t buy more before the pump. smh
Whether you’re disappointed, or just need to vent, this is the time to let it out. Shake your head, post your thoughts, get some $smh and move on.
Include tag #smh to be included
round curators are $smh seed participants & larry devs
starting soon
Include tag #smh to be included
round curators are $smh seed participants & larry devs
starting soon
Mistakes were made but Can be corrected.
accidentally launched a Larry token, smh.