

social media for the rest of us ∴

Figured out how to use the Apple Music API and how to extract the ID from music links. Looking forward to making a modern version of MySpace’s music player.
Profile pages on /socii are designed after my homepage, but better! Pictured is your top 8, posts (no likes), favorite topics, and dunbars (small groups) you’re a member of.

Next up is the music player. I'm probably going to use Apple Music's API.
Been thinking about how to best handle customizable profiles and for the first preset...why not just replicate my current homepage?
Spent probably too much time working on the drop shadows...and I'll continue tweaking them. I want an information dense UI, no extra pages unless absolutely necessary.
My documentation from V2 of socii was trash (read: nonexistent) but I'm learning so much from the *.graphql files. This time, I'm documenting, updating, and creating EdgeDB schema to match. I'm always looking to create the perfect API with every project and I'm liking how this is turning out.
Updated! Click the logo for a surprise
I gotta update the website, it's been unchanged since late 2019.