

Put your casts about storytelling, lore, brand storytelling techniques, thoughts on storytelling, the future of storytelling, and inspiration for storytellers here. For collabs contact me,

How you want to evolve the story of the universe is the biggest marketing hack ever.
The revolution isn’t the technology.

The revolution is how it changes you

The revolution is how you tell the story of that change to others

The revolution is how you impact people and give them hope

The revolution is you

memecoins are vehicles for delivering crypto's most potent storytelling theme: "what if..."
A high tide always recedes and returns to the ocean.

Pay attention to ever-changing tides, but seek to understand the ocean. 🌊
In storytelling, it’s not how the world changes during the story that matters.

What matters is how those events change the PROTAGONIST by the end of the story.

When building technology, the user is the protagonist.

Products are stories the user writes.

Brands that understand this concept become legends.
not just passing through…already home.

jesus yes.
web3 is thematic storytelling.

A theme is a container for exploration to which there will be both good and bad storylines. Curiosity leads to reflection.

This is the process by which we explore and decide what to pursue.

Technology is both the creator of new paradigms and the destroyer of old ones.
Paint a picture with words.

It’s the key to utility.

No MVP needed.

No technology needed.

No identity brand needed.

Metaphor is the most powerful tool humans possess.

Mass adoption exists in the mind.
memecoins aren’t about winning

they’re about HOW you play the game

that’s what matters most
nfts are about curiosity & storytelling

crypto is about curiosity & storytelling

blockchain is about curiosity & storytelling

DeFi is about curiosity & storytelling

the white paper was about curiosity & storytelling
An objective of storytelling is persuasion.

But the purpose of storytelling is human interconnection.

This is one of those key insights brand storytellers on Twitter and LinkedIn won’t tell you because, well, they’re just not that smart. 💅
Curiosity simultaneously keeps us hungry while feeling satisfied through exploration.

It is why the journey matters more than the destination in crypto.

“Stay hungry. Stay foolish. Never let go of your appetite to go after new ideas, new experiences, and new adventures.” -Steve Jobs
You should join farcaster not to get on the hype train.

But to shape the culture of it.

In your own way.

With your own community.

And tell the story to others.

Decentralized storytelling that bonds with the tech is how adoption happens in web3.

One voice can move mountains.

Many voices can shape the world.