Times New Worldᵀᴺ


A cozy corner for brand builders. Share what you see, give what you can, ask for what you need 💚

Last night, I hosted another episode of collective inquiry and today I'm so full of joy at how the event completely exceeded my expectations.

I partnered with Regab Haven, a physical therapy clinic in brooklyn that focuses on recovery and holistic healing. I met the owner of the clinic after I tore a tendon in my pinky, and we quickly bonded over our shared belief that community building is both powerful and needed in fitness. So we tapped our networks to host an evening dedicated to exploring all the ways health, wellness, fitness, and sports impact our lives and emotional landscapes.

Conversations ranged from gender expression to coaching styles, meditation to combat sports. 🏀🥊⚽️🕺🏽

what new doors are you excited to open this week?
recasting here, bc this is the exact kind of "career pivoting" i'm excited about.... sure, there's some graphic design with the marketing, but its creating ambiance, taking over a space, building a world that i'm really hoping to do more of. of course, there's the voice in my head saying, "don't share these moodboards bc what it you can't execute it 100%" but i'm trusting my gut. i know i've built amazing sets before, that i can work with the budget i set, and i can do this 👹
if you're seeing this in your feed, i would love to see you become a member of Times New Worldᵀᴺ https://warpcast.com/~/channel/timesnewworld/join?inviteCode=1AE2Q2CvCskidwQtphNeEw
🫰🏼🫰🏼🫰🏼 trust the process. it's ok to be you and growth comes in seasons
i am in the midst of a career pivot, exploring the ways i can do "graphic design" or "brand building" outside of making a logo, a website, or something static. I'm excited about experiences, creating spaces that surprise, haunt or inspire.

I am putting all the sweat equity I can afford into hosting tech events about non-technical things. My thesis is that tech is too insular, and it desperately needs more exposure to the issues or the scene's that people truly care about. These events will be iterative and experimental, and I am building this completely grassroots. If you want to accelerate this future with me, comment below. I'm gonna need all the co-conspirators I can get 💚
Attention NYC futurists, brand builders, and over-thinkers!

I've been busy scheming and dreaming all September long, and I'm so excited to debut our Salon Seriesᵀᴺ. This series is designed to bring us all together to imagine what the future should look, feel, sound, and taste like. Take a look and what we've got on deck, and it would mean the world to see you at one of our events 💚
"Social media should make you feel more enmeshed in your social circles, not less" -- quote of the year. Think of all the times you've been in public, scrolling on your phone, and oblivious to everything around you?

@isharif and I had the most lovely conversation about what's broken with social media, and I truly enjoyed learning about his ideas for the future. I'd love to see more platforms in the future leverage both location and interest based data, as well as a better reflection of our dynamic social circles (and not just an accumulation of everyone we've ever met).
I’m recently facing creative challenges that are bringing up all of my internal demons, and the phrase that is helping me is “Keep going
even with rocks in my shoe.”

Somehow naming those nagging feelings “rocks in my shoe” allows me to feel them without permitting these doubts and fears to encompassing everything and stop my progress.

It’s kind of become a magical phrase that I even wrote in my studio wall because it works so well to slough off anxiety - “even with rocks in my shoe.”

Maybe it’ll work for you.
it took me a minute to read and fully digest this incredible article from @rileybeans but HFS– there’s a lot of ideas in here that i won’t be able to un-hear for a long time: https://app.t2.world/article/cm0y62pxc8674511zmcclu5148q

my tasting notes:
(i). i finally feel like i’m not crazy for finding quests boring AF. as a non-gamer and non-developer, i have struggled to understand the popularity of quests, which i chalked up to just not being a gamer. however, i do understand “fun” as a motivator, and that framework is powerful

(ii). the future is an experience economy 🫰🫰🫰 brands are no longer just logos and products—they’re launchpads for experiences. I'm bullish on accelerating collective storytelling (meme-making), cultural activations (events), and ritual design for the sake of more fun world building

(iii). "Collaborative play is additive to community care, not extractive" as a north star for all brand builders (in house, out of house) to keep in mind
By the way - if any of you are struggling with any kind of creative block - design, art, writing, even cleaning, heck - this song will drill down and free you from what is holding you back.

QQ: If we’re pushing the boundaries of technology... shouldn’t our events be just as innovative? Why invite the world’s most disruptive minds to your office, only to offer them the usual pizza, panel, and happy hour?

Enter the Salon Series—events designed for builders and doers. We don’t just talk about change; we accelerate it. Inspired by French salons, expect multi-sensory experiences, impassioned debates, to laugh, to cry, to fall deeply in love with new ideas, to make friends (maybe frenemies), and more.

If I've got you nodding your head, then support this programming on our hypersub: https://www.hypersub.xyz/s/salon-seriestn-gvsflt81179c If you are extra curious and want to sponsor a topic, DC me and we can chat.
https://www.noemamag.com/we-need-to-rewild-the-internet/ this article is in a special bookmarks folder of "ideas that fixed my life". an essential read for anyone who is passionate about infrastructure AND it's effects not just on the technology, but on the utility, social, and cultural layers that ultimately follow.
adding this to the weekend reading queue, but i'm already hooked on the idea of an "experience economy"
curious to know… what is an essay or idea you’ve encountered recently that has expanded your conception of what a “brand” can be? @borrowlucid.eth @jovianbrowne @dawufi @thecurioushermit @samantha
Brands of the future will not be defined by a logo or highly curated social feed; they will be a collective frequency emanating from our unique, individual experiences. /timesnewworld is a small step in that direction, and I would love it to become a corner for brand-builders to gather 💚