

support for community builders. Open for everyone, not just TogetherCrew users. dm kbc for access

🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 We launched our AI assistants to save everyone time:
☆ Community members get their questions answered 24/7
☆ Community manager can focus on complex questions

That means:
☆ more time for IRL and URL events
☆ more time to listen to the sound of birds
☆ more time to design insightful and fun games

☆ more time for you

Celebrate with us by minting this free NFT
Who are you going to dm today?
What's the most frequently asked question in your community?
What we build this week

- back end work: progress on the Telegram and Discourse pipeline. A lot of plumbing has to be put in place before it’s visible to users

- nearly done with the first frame of our knowledge hub for community managers. I’m glad people chipped in and shared their favourite pieces

- soft launch of our AI assistant in RnDAO
My AI knows that taking things slow means you are going faster. It has read all the management guru stuff.

ps: it hasn't.

pps: it's a back-end thing

ppps: If you are not an impatient little fecker, I'll share my AI with you.
My AI and me cursing at Discord in unison. Misery unites. I'd give you my AI, but you need to promise to not make its life as miserable as I do it.
Today we got a brand new bug report. But the user wasn’t describing it well, so now we’re waiting for a screen recording.

Tomorrow is gonna be exciting
Who are you going to dm today?
It's Monday! Time to check your community stats. Numbers up or down?
My AI is my second brain. I don't hav to re-read stuff or remember conversation. I just as my AI. It can be yours, too if you ask nicely. Sharing is caring.
Sometimes my AI is a rebellious pos. I'm not taking that and just ask again
What's the most frequently asked question in your community?
For URL community
Phase 1: tool to coordinate people
Phase 2: tool to supercharge coordination and doing stuff together
Phase 3: woaa, that is too much. Let's focus on what works.
Sometimes my AI doesn't get me. It's me not them. 🤫 It's ego is still fragile.
Yes TogetherCrew is working in Telegram and Discourse integration. Soon you can see who is driving the FUD across your channels AND direct your members to use our companion AI for quick support

(Farcaster coming also but further down the roadmap)
Remember the article I wrote and hated because, well, it was mostly gpt-generated but I put all my energy into another article and I had to get two articles done that day? Anyway, here is the article I enjoyed writing
My AI can tell me what's not working in our discord server. It's free tomorrow if you wanna give it a spin.
Who are you going to dm today?
Trends I noticed in web3 communities

- forums for member's contributions instead of a general chat where 'wen token' is followed by 'read my tweet'
- quests, but differently: integrated on your page, using to hide them from farmers, quests for user feedback
- intern voice calmed down. Assuming they are back in school
My AI knows about cool projects like @octant but in it's eagerness to provide as much info as possible got mixed up.

For context:
We've talked about Octant's UX in a channel that's normally about analytics. Poor AI.
What's the most frequently asked question in your community?
Friday Data Post

tldr (for those who already checked out): Goal --> Behavior --> Data. Set up Experiment. Evaluate. Rinse and Repeat.

For everyone else:
Remember the NEAR hack that wasn't a *hack*??? The tweet has all the details. Not gonna repeat this, but what was interesting was everyone (inc. me) speculating wtf they would do something like that.

Most thought that the success metric was hackathon sign-ups. Some talked about the negative impact it had on their token price. Completely missing the bot. Nobody cares about NEAR's token price.

The success metric for this marketing stunt was ATTENTION. The amount of “real estate” NEAR occupied in people’s mind went up. There was organic coverage, NEAR was trending, and more people sign-up for their hackathon. From that angle, this marketing stunt was a success.
Long prompt to get AI to do the first round of research for me. Purposefully broad so that I can narrow it down.