

Towards a value-aligned world. iykyk

What will it look like?
How much time before Values are integrated in EVERY social platform?
Wondering if anyone in Farcaster ecosystem is thinking beyond what web2 social has done?

We need a fundamental rethink including the feed
Should we be with value-aligned people only?

What about diversity? The answer lies in open-minded exploration of conflicting Values
Gm. When Vitalik articulates your problem statement
This was the first time I felt part of sth bigger AND meaningfuller than DeFi et al

Was it more values-aligned or mission-aligned? Dunno tbh

Minted ConstitutionDAO: An Ethereum Story (Short Film)
So who wants to find value-aligned people at Token2049 and Devcon?
Values are a gating function for communities

Communities that
- let anyone in or
- use $ (like NFT communities) as a gating function

will suffer from friction/conflicts

H/t @ivanshark for saying this out loud
What problem are you solving?

Web2 social is optimised for short feedback loops creating anxiety

Web3 social is repeating the mistake by optimising for DAUs

ValuesDAO solves this by creating space for long-term relationships rather than dopamine hits

Connect people based on Values

If any web3 social app is making this mistake, tag them so i can introduce them to value-alignment

You’d have one less pivot to Prediction Market
Meta-modernism is a promising approach to co-create the next version of 'the system' which needs a new set of values.

Do folks here know about Hanz, and if so wdyt?
I just minted my values on ValuesDAO. Check if you're aligned with me, anon?
I want to help a community/channel filter their members using Values as a gating function

Anyone up for it?
All high stakes relationships require value-alignment to work long-term

ht/t @shadow06
If a user profile on twitter is worth $x (pun intended)

What would a profile with user’s Values be equal to?
Web3 social can break this simulation

Why did we move from high-context profiles (MySpace, Orkut, Facebook) to low-context profiles (Twitter, Insta, Toktok)?

Coz they generate more engagement

The only cure is to know a person’s Values and Beliefs while reading their content

Most humans aren’t extremists
High context social profiles = long-term relationships
Values are on a spectrum

Both extremes are generally bad for a good life

There is a sweet mid-ground. First you need to find out where you lie on the spectrums
Till AI can generate detailed reports, what if i did value analysis on a 1-1 session?

Is there a subscription or 1-time fee based session attractive enough? How much would you pay?
Human Values have been studied for decades

Yet there is no foundational theory

Because there has been no rigorous study

One of the aims of ValuesDAO is to fund the largest survey of Values in the world
Individualism <—-> Collectivism is the biggest debate today

While the West has seen material benefits of Individualism, a loneliness epidemic shows the need for collectivism

When it comes to Values, there is no right or wrong but it is imp to know. Where do you stand on this spectrum?
Antidote to Prisoner’s Dilemma is trust.

How to cultivate trust at scale?

Values is just a starting point