

Feel free to post news or anything about privacy and Zcash or Zero Knowledge Proofs related. Zcash is a simple, secure, privacy first digital currency. Learn more from zechub.wiki or z.cash/learn/ Join our Global Discord discord.gg/zcash

Also Zcash NU7 planning is already getting close to be done. Less than 1 month to get sth developing related to discuss to get into NU7 upgrade.

Zcash NU6 (network upgrade 6) is coming soon.

Also its halving in end of November 2024. under 40days to go.

also sharing here Zcash Media new video series first episode: https://warpcast.com/zcashmedia/0xf5fbe0ba
after different polling Zcash block rewards distribution after next halving are becoming bit clearer https://forum.zcashcommunity.com/t/dev-fund-polling-results-discussion-and-next-steps/48314
Zcash has new intern on twitter. wonder if they will ever post here also 🤔
For years I’ve put my zcash shielded address as an option for tipping on twitter and my newsletter/blog and it’s surprising how many people have covertly tipped without ever telling me who they are. The reality is some people prefer to say thanks without recognition or paper trails. I respect tf out of that.
What attracts me to Zcash are:

• Enhanced privacy and anonymity
• Limited supply, ensuring scarcity
• Every Zcash is fungible and exchangeable
• Options to disclose transactions
• Robust security system
Grayscale invests in Zcash.
Edward Snowden is a founding member.
Vitalik is an advisor and Zcash supporter.
Total supply of ZEC is limited to 21M, like BTC.
Zcash uses 2 types of wallets: transparent & shielded.
Zcash is forked from the original Bitcoin codebase.
Zcash is safe bc it hides & protects your information.
Zcash Dev fund will either expire or continue in Nov 2024

if u care bout it - read and maybe vote if u know wat u want to happen
https://forum.zcashcommunity.com/t/moving-the-dev-fund-discussion-forward/47464/74 (just community first sentiment collection)
Zcash community did sth awesum during last months
ebook - workbook about money / crypto and Zcash

very well designed also iwo (im bit biased tho)

read pdf from github: https://github.com/massadoptionorg/My-First-Zcash
i can really feel so many ppl focusin deir energy at Zcash

its massive energy combined

results tho staying still so hidden yet from many
ZconV Zclip contest was a massive success.

23 registered participants, 667 video clips

and a pool of >260 ZEC is being shared with every participant and top winners get bigger % of the prize.
ZconV Discord banner
by midjourney and me edit skillz
Don't miss ZconV: Zcash Unified 🌐
anywhere and everywhere *
* with an Internet connection.
or, come to ZconV Berlin 🪩 @ LeastAuthority
holy how much is happenin in Zcash eco last week. And in few days. next monday ZconV (virtual) starts. its gonna be epic i hope.

mite post sum bts stuff maybe

https://zfnd.org/zconv/ free to join and watch on youtube and other socials
Weekly newz from Zcash eco in ZecWeekly #91 🛡️ 🦓