
@0xmert #17316

ceo @ helius.dev, host @ lightspeed, ex coinbase — wartime shitposter
10714 Follower 178 Following
my fav new Solana feature which will release with xray explorer

you can see if a contract is governed by a multisig, what the threshold is, and who's on the multisig

as well as if it's a verified programs, its IDL, and immutability
increase bandwidth, reduce latency

helius RPC transaction senders putting in work rn during high congestion

Im all for debate — but if you say anything I disagree with, that's sabotage mister!


Been saying this for a while, eth is totally fine from almost all angles — it's only real issue is that the social layer is dominated by insecure religious zealots
Solana has a path to faster blocks, better censorship resistance, and faster finality

here's the master post on asynchronous execution

where execution and consensus are separated

read here: https://t.co/h1p4G0vpSD
ansem out here reg arbing mfers
increase bandwidth, reduce latency
props to the avalanche team for closing this deal and paving the way for [hopefully] more games that utilize crypto for their economies

ive come to the conclusion that I hate 100% of blockchains
Peter Thiel: 0 to 1. Real innovation. The point of creation.

Crypto mfers: best i can do is 1 to 0.
better finance. better capital formation and efficiency. better capitalism. digital sovereignty. a better internet. new business models. private money. transparent governance and history. censorship resistance. community owned networks.
the new paradigm L2 focuses on "go faster", "accelerate", rust, and is called Odyssey

my banner has been "go faster" for the past year, I tweet accelerate 10x per day, run a rust-based infra company — and my angel fund is called Odyssey 😭

I am literally Ethereum
Peter Thiel: "a good business is one that enters a small market without competition. competition is for losers."

L2 mfers:
Trying to solve liquidity fragmentation by launching another L2
Why did CZ hide this reply tho 😭
it's pretty wild how often aeyakovenko.twitter turns out to be right lol

if only he put it COHERENTLY ON A BLOG instead of randomly 4chan trolling 5 follower dinosaur accounts
biggest app on ethereum: yea so we're going to become a general purpose chain now, i.e. not an app chain

CT mfers: this is bullish app-chain thesis

hundreds of you are still calling RPC methods that will BREAK after the Agave 2.0 upgrade

we just added warnings to your dashboard if you *are* still using them

these methods have been deprecated for a very long time already — pls migrate or your app will suffer
hey guys, here's a tip

if you have a token with "utility" and you are getting spanked by a coin with a funny animal on it

it means the market gives 0 shits about your "utility"

you can either get angry at the market like a loser, or you can build something people want

This mfer out here dumping on your heads to buy Dubai hotels lmao
look guys, im not gonna lie to you

I just looked at the amount of unreads on discord, telegram, and whatsapp

and leeeeeroy jenkins'd "mark as read" to everything

if you genuinely need to get in touch, msg me again (and then ideally email me going fwd)
after being a human my whole life, I've come to a realization

all instant msging apps suck ass — slack, tg, whateverapp — trash

the only remedy is going back to our ancient paleo ways — just use email

it's lindy, natural, and good for you

and with Superhuman.twitter, it's even fun
really weird to see CT people attack a guy who has done nothing but uncover fraud, crime, and shady behaviour as his sole mission in an industry ripe with it

hmm or perhaps that's not so weird
> spend months getting stake for helius validator
> spend months reworking solana txn landing
> have the highest txn land rate on solana with the fastest speeds
> traders who use it make 100,000x more money than me on a single arb

Palmer is Satoshi