Adnan Mirza

@adnanmirza #484477

Get rich or die trying
117 Follower 125 Following
Fear is short-lived, regret is eternal.
"The solution to most of your problem is discipline".
“Have the maturity to sometimes know that silence is more powerful than having the last word.”
Greatness is build not found. Brick by brick.
Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.

I'm Adnan Mirza. I'm a content creator in India. I like to read non-fiction book. I create content about book summary and motivation and lifestyle. I wanna educate and inspire people with the help of my content.
This is the best lesson I've ever read!
Success is your duty.
6 lesson from "The Psychology of Money" by Morgan Housel

1. Man in the car Paradox

No one is as impressed with your possessions as you are.

People tend to display wealth to be liked and admired. But in reality, people often bypass admiring you.

They use your wealth as a benchmark for their own desire to be liked and admired.

2. Wealth is what you don't see

We tend to judge wealth by what we see: cars, clothes, and houses.

What we don't see are investment accounts. We rely on outward appearances to gauge financial success.

True wealth is hidden, It is assets not converted into things you see

3. No One's Crazy

People money decisions are justified by taking the information they have at the moment and plugging it into their unique mental model of how the world works.

Origins and upbringing shape money decisions.

We do crazy things with money. But no one's crazy.

4. Luck & Risk

They both are the reality that every outcome in life is guided by forces other than individual effort.

They are so simi…
"You become what you give your attention to."
365 Days, 365 Ways..
2 more lessons from "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck"

4. Certainty is the enemy of growth

The person who thinks they know everything never learns anything, while the person who has a healthy uncertainty about themselves and the world invites new ideas and experiences. The goal isn’t to be right all the time. It’s to learn, grow, and be less wrong than you were before.

5. Do something — anything — and embrace failure

We learn from this book:
Just like happiness is active, so is motivation. You can’t sit back and wait for motivation to strike; you need to foster it by continually doing something, anything at all.

Fear of failure holds us back and keeps us from accomplishing what we really want. This fear is a powerful roadblock, but the real failure is not trying.

If you fail, it’s OK. You’re not just back where you started — you’re now smarter and more experienced than you were before.
"Comfort is the worst addiction."
3 Lessons Learned from 'The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck'

1. Happiness is active, not passive

Happiness is a work in progress, a moving target that requires tackling real issues, not avoiding them or convincing yourself they don’t exist.

It’s a lot like success; you have to work to achieve it. Real happiness requires struggle:
So instead of asking yourself how to find happiness, ask yourself what you’re willing to go through to make it happen. Happiness is a never-ending climb, so find joy in the climb itself.

2. Prioritize your energy and effort

Consider the f*cks you have to give, and know they are finite. You can’t, and shouldn’t, care about everything. Instead, prioritize what matters in your life and know that to make space for certain things, you have to let other things go.

As Manson writes, “The avoidance of suffering is a form of suffering. The avoidance of struggle is a struggle.” Understand and accept that you will face difficulties and that you won’t always be happy,…
"You are only confined by the walls you build yourself."
Magic happens when you don't give up,
even though you want to.

The universe always fall in love with a stubborn heart.
$SOCIAL September 🦄

Let's finish this job together!
"Everything you can imagine is real."
"Always do what you are afraid to do."
10 lessons from "Ego is the Enemy"

1. When we remove ego, we’re left with what is real.

2. Ego is stolen. Confidence is earned.

3. What is rare is not raw talent, skill, or even confidence, but humility, diligence, and self-awareness.

4. Ego is the enemy – giving us wicked feedback, disconnected from reality. It’s defensive, precisely when we cannot afford to be defensive. It blocks us from improving by telling us that we don’t need to improve.

5. Greatness comes from humble beginnings; it comes from grunt work. It means you’re the least important person in the room – until you change that with results.

6. The person who clears the path ultimately controls its direction, just as the canvas shapes the painting.

7. You know a workman by the chips they leave…To judge your progress properly, just take a look at the floor.

8. All of us waste precious life doing things we don’t like, to prove ourselves to people we don’t respect, and to get things we don’t want.

9. James Basford:…
It's You vs. You
Always has been.
"Lose the excuses and you'll find the results."
Ukiyo: living in the moment, detach from the bothers of life.
"The Floating World"
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@poolboy @alitiknazoglu
"You can't hope to make progress in areas where you have taken no action."