
@anialexander #409653

I wear many hats
20 Follower 11 Following
I wish I had known you before…
You got broken
You lost faith
you were let down
your heart was shattered to pieces
you got burnt
you got bitter
Do you remember yourself
you almost completely lost yourself…?
How come now we see people emerging
with all these
“I need to buy some NFTs”
“Show me your art”

Like in the past 2 years you had completely lost that desire
And it came back to all of you
At the same time by magic?

Rainy day double decker ride

Words are powerful
They have more weight than some may think

They can hurt your feelings
They can cut your soul
They can feel like a kick in your stomach
And they can totally destroy your self-confidence

Words can bring you up
And with the same force
They can smack you down

They can hit like stones
They can burn like fire
And make you sink
Sink so deep
That you can’t come out

They are empowered by meaning and feeling
So they are never just words
They are always way more than that…

We hide behind them
We mislead by them
And often we spend a lot of time to forget them

Words that have been told
Can’t go back where they belong
You may bite your tongue
But you can’t take back the words you told while you were drunk

Words are powerful
They have more weight than some may think

They form stories which may make you cry
They bring a comfort that feels like a hug

Words are powerful…!
Mice die in mousetraps
Because they don’t understand why the cheese is free

The same goes for
The art NFTs were born from a desire to decentralize art and creativity, putting power back into the hands of artists and collectors.

Finally artists could showcase their work without:
- the need for traditional gatekeepers
- having to prove that their art is good enough
- the need to ask for permission to be allowed to be seen

It allowed
- true artistic freedom
- direct connection with their audience

But the nice narrative that was sold to us did not match the reality.

We still ended up with middlemen…

The centralized NFT marketplaces that brought back the very barriers we tried to break.

We have to apply for some of those - for their teams to decide if we were good enough to be accepted or not.

They have the power to ban artist accounts or delist collections if they choose so…

And in some cases our NFT art is not even truly ours.

Does it even make sense?
Shitcoin/memecoin trade is a gamble
but with the illusion
that this time
the outcome depends on you
Came across this yesterday.

Probably men know more than the female author…

Is it true? And if yes - why?
Ok… so here I am
GM everyone!