
@antinertia #687

exploring, lifting and angel investing ❖ growth advisor ❖ prev fabric.vc thefamily.co
80 Follower 54 Following
You gonna make it.

But how?

Things you can start to learn now increasing your chances to make it in 2023:

- learn on-chain data analysis → web3

- learn product design → web2-3

- learn copywriting → web2-3

- learn code → web2-3

- learn sales → life
Im going crazy with the concept of portals.

I want to write and create a brand based on it.
The thing with gpt3 is not to get good answers, is more how to ask questions.

This is maybe the ultimate skill we should learn: ask good questions.
web3 founders 👇

have you ever thought of recruiting a offshore assistant on:
- design tasks
- community management
- customer support
- ops assist
- general executive tasks

Feel free to send me dm if you have done so or if you plan to
Moonbirds on Farcaster?
Now as Instagram is a nft marketplace, all media businesses will need a « head of nft »

Give 2-3 years and you’ll hear this job title everywhere
First goal for a young men is to be good at something.

As soon as you become good at something a series of events will naturally follow, such as:
- you'll make friends
- find a gf
- earn money
Nomad cross-chain bridge has been hacked with over $190,000,000 stolen.