Apollo 🟡🎩

@apollo716 #293140

@senspace Puzzle Master / Senior Analyst at Goldman "Sucks"🍌 /card /ball
182 Follower 215 Following
Hi everyone!
Now we are open to all!
If you don't have an invite, it's doesn't matter.
Let's play together!🃏
Hey @anicorea85 !
I haven't seen you around lately!
Let's play /card again!
Get your cards ready🔥
【Illustration Explanation】
The total Stack earned by all players determines the percentage of the maximum value that can be returned for the day.

In other words, the overall Reward is determined as follows

Reward_total = Reward_max * Rate_of_reduction
Rate_of_reduction ⇔ Stack_total
We are the winner!!!👑
LFG Cardians!!!🃏

Special thanks @soleilch
Our superteam @renstern.eth @yuki0214.eth @ekosystem @kaspertakagi
Have a good day for the next hundred years🦇
I still have 3 invitation!
anyone who want?
/card のStack protocolはユーザーから集めたお金をあるアルゴリズムに基づく分配方法(運やPlay数や友達招待など)によって再分配する関数と解釈できる。


are there anyone who want invite for /card ?
Hi Cardians🃏
Now you can check your rewards from here!
Check it out!👍

There are 1000 bottles of wine and only one of them is poisoned. That poison will kill you in some time between 10 and 20 hours after you drink it. You have several slaves who are to be poisoned. Now, you have 24 hours from now to identify which wine is poisoned. How many slaves would you need at a minimum? 

* You may only have one slave drink as many bottles of wine as you wish.

The answer is the card I set up🃏