@arregium #331215

Who am I? Can ART answer me? https://linktr.ee/ARREGIUM
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The ring of the present day
and the crown of transcendence.
You step into the first darkness,
through the distances of rebirth.

on @rodeodotclub

Volver a los lugares de siempre / aunque yo ya no sea el mismo.

Returning to the usual places / though I am no longer the same.

Revolt on @rodeodotclub

Revuelta contra la rutina diaria.
Vanguardia de la imaginación y la consciencia.

A revolt against the daily routine.
The vanguard of imagination and consciousness.
Yearning to be and not be at once;
yearning for yes, beyond yes, and for no.

Yearning on @rodeodotclub
Loving Life on @rodeodotclub

To love life
in its layers and folds.
Escape on @rodeodotclub

Tú y yo hemos huido
hacia la sensación de vivir.

You and I have fled
to the sensation of life.
Extravío on @rodeodotclub

Extraviarse en el dibujo del día / Desdibujar el propio retrato.

To get lost in the day's drawing / To blur one's own portrait.
When the image is new, the world is new.

― Gaston Bachelard.
The revolt and only the revolt is the creator of the light and it can only take three paths: POETRY, FREEDOM AND LOVE.

– André Breton
Ai sketch composition by vireter on @rodeodotclub
At some point in art history, pictorial abstraction diverged from the profound spiritual and psychological quest initiated by Hilma af Klint and Wassily Kandinsky, devolving into a mere formal game, a more or less empty visual diversion. (This trajectory doesn't interest me). I resonate with the explorations of Klint, Kandinsky, and others who view abstraction as an exploration of human interiority and the intimate energies of nature.