@axis99 #356853

Your daily memebiotic for 1 week as par prescription
5900 Follower 6962 Following
1 hour at work is like 5 minutes in real world 😪
dont tell my brother 😭😭
i'll get you another one tomorrow
way to freedom 😬
a serious issue 🥲
paid skins meh 🥴
end it rn. you are wasting my sports time 😤
this how i passed my exams 😏
or you could say teacher helped you to pass exams 😒
Cousin issues 😒
trust me bro 😒
when you buy an empty packet but there is air along with chips with it 😒
don't search your health issues on google 😆😆
the right way to think 🙂
this is serious topic to debate know 😒
bro with 1000 IQ
the superstar 🩵😼
see the difference 😅
yeah me too 😆😆
how i barely passed my exams 🙂
full marks for that 👌👌