Bagel 🥯

@bagel #212761

Machine learning and cryptography research lab. ✍️ blog.bagel.net
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Accessing a fundamental resource like knowledge, for both human-driven and autonomous AI, should not entail a compromise on privacy.

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We're building the privacy-preserving AI of today to power your business needs tomorrow.

Fully open-sourced and monetizable by a community of ML engineers, data scientists, researchers, and innovators who believe there's a better way to bring AI to the world.

If you or a friend are passionate about privacy-preserving AI and want to join us on this mission, sign up below👇

GPU Restaking

While building our AI development platform, we uncovered a solution to a massive inefficiency in computing. We took the concept of restaking, usually used for cryptocurrencies, and applied it to physical computing resources like GPUs.

Single-task GPUs waste potential. Mining, validation, AI computations - these artificial constraints limit raw power. GPU Restaking eliminates these boundaries. It enables simultaneous use across multiple platforms.

This research article open-sources our implementation as a public good for the AI community.

Also, we partnered with the Filecoin Foundation to actualize this breakthrough. We're repurposing GPUs from the Filecoin mining network for Bagel's AI development platform.

Give it a read 👇

Want to bring sci-fi level AI like this to life?

Here’s your chance : http://waitlist.bagel.net

We’re rolling out the platform to developers as we speak. Be early. Limited spots.

What if decentralized AI development outperformed traditional infrastructure? Think greater efficiency with peer-to-peer, privacy-preserving AI.

This Q3, in collaboration with the Filecoin Foundation, we're enabling this for developers. Bagel's GPU Restaking technology uses GPUs and storage resources from the Filecoin miner network for AI workloads.

How to get started
As a developer, your role in this ecosystem is crucial. By participating, you contribute to a fair and efficient AI ecosystem. This involvement supports the growth of a peer-to-peer infrastructure and provides tangible rewards and enhanced capabilities for your projects.

Sign up on our waitlist to get started. waitlist.bagel.net
P2P AI networks meet high performance Machine Learning.

How can traditional high performance machine learning libraries be leveraged to build distributed intelligence?

Our founder has a few thoughts.

Bagel’s lab is pushing the frontier of AI with cryptography.

Our blog post examines Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) and Secure Multiparty Computation (MPC).

Understand how they stand in comparison to alternatives like FHE and ZKML.

Bagel 🥯 partners with NVIDIA in the Inception Program to advance privacy preserving AI solutions. This collaboration aims to enable humans and autonomous AI agents to manage machine learning resources securely.

Here’s what it means to users 👇
Just like money, AI is a fundamental resource for humanity to prosper and needs to be decoupled from the state or a few powerful entities. #DecentralizedAI
At Bagel, we've taken on the challenge of unlocking decentralized AI's potential while safeguarding data and model privacy. Our research team has made significant breakthroughs that we believe will transform the field. Curious?

Read here: https://blog.bagel.net/p/with-great-data-comes-great-responsibility