
@bleu.eth #253127

frames, frames, frames /bleu bleu.wtf
21382 Follower 2127 Following
There’s now a bleu town (decentralized permissionless group chat) https://app.towns.com/t/0x715b78087702bd45B4db2177Cc608239261e8f74/

Onchain on base
Join the /bleu channel if you hold 69.000 $BLEU or more.

@phantomwallet added support for /base
Sol degens incoming?
I got some dope art airdropped

Check out @mynimalmonster /hypersub
skip the list with your farcaster account is nice
Would you pay for a frames kit template / tutorial on how to build frames?

whales be $bleu ing themselves and you're not bullish anon?
how easy it is to add openframes.xyz support with framesjs.org ?

pretty ez

see video: demo on replies, but basically this gets you anon openframes compatible frames ;)
import { createFrames } from "frames.js/next";
import { openframes } from "frames.js/middleware";

export const frames = createFrames({
basePath: "/frames",
middleware: [openframes()]
does anyone needs a real time browser frame code editor thingy?

found out about webcontainers and tutorialkit and having fun with it and @frames
what do you see if you google "le bleu elefant"

(on images tab)
fun fact the french call orgasms "le petit morte"
THERE IS a FAKE BLEU stealing our name/logo

Thet are scammers

Stay safe bleus 😔
I/ \
/_ \_
where your dreams (casts) go to die
the hat and the trunk stays on

- yes, I'm a member of /degen
are ya winnin bleus?