
@brent #2740

building NFT renting / rights delegation. // follow me to learn more about web3 // professional degen // glorify kindness. // UNC (dropout?)
37 Follower 98 Following
i want someone to compare lens to fc
is there a good alternative to web3 modal?
get it working before you optimize
Your whole world changes when you go from “idk if I have enough experience to do this” to “I’m sure I could figure it out :)”
what the fuck is a salt nonce
The amount of success you have in life is equal to the amount you can stay confused and keep going
On finding your passion:
Don't seek the thing that you'll be 100% on fire about all the time. Seek the thing that you'll be okay doing even when you're tired.
When I was in middle school ordered vapes off eBay to sell to other kids for money. Never vaped myself though
Do hard shit everyday.
NFT's are just data. If you buy an NFT you're buying a piece of data appended to your wallet.
Ways networks can let users “invest” in them: Tokens that provide utility proportional to the network’s success.

This can either be done by
Speculating on an alias on said network (ENS for Ethereum)
Or speculating on the utility of said network (GRT / Chainlink)

Or some combination of both, like BAYC.
Any Farcaster tools for searching casts like you can search tweets on twitter?
If your success depends on a neutral party adding in a single line of code, you're not in a good spot.

very small cost =/= no cost
GM. Do you feel powerful this morning? You should.

Ask yourself, if today were to be immaculate, what would my morning look like? and then go do that.
If you can sit through the agony of confusion, you can learn anything.
Syncing with your team follows a power law.

If you don't explicitly reiterate the mission, you will drift apart, and it will become harder and harder to get back in sync. https://i.imgur.com/vV9WIqx.png
Quantity vs quality…
Show up every day, quantity, but only publish quality. I’m sick of over-publishing as a writer / creator, but it seems to be the only way to gain traction :/
etherscan is down, anyone have an alternative they like to use?
If you can get 4 hours of deep work a day, you'll probably succeed regardless of all other metrics.
Every single person leaves your presence uplifted or drained. Compulsively make sure they leave uplifted
Does farcaster work with argent/account abstracted wallets?
"99% of NFT projects are going to zero" https://i.imgur.com/8iNXJMy.png
renting will be as transformational for NFT’s as lending was for ERC-20 tokens
decentralized social media is a revolution because zoomers grew up with the internet and aren't conscious of the fact that it's designed to addict them.

in the same way that boomers didn't realize that garbage processed food was designed to addict them.