Ivan P

@dayofniagra #16217

Working on Nosh, a decentralized delivery protocol. Cooperatives and ownership.
333 Follower 175 Following
"In our days, everything seems pregnant with its contrary: Machinery, gifted with the wonderful power of shortening and fructifying human labour, we behold starving and overworking it; The newfangled sources of wealth, by some strange weird spell, are turned into sources of want; The victories of art seem bought by the loss of character."
We are in a strange place where people prefer billionaires over career politicians, thinking that the former are less corrupt. But who pays the politicians to skew democracy in their favor? Billionaires. Billionaires are why the small folk have it tough. Lobbying, campaign contributions and media control are the weapons.
Economics is astrology for dudes.
Rockets are stupid.
This election cycle feels unusual cause people seem to be buying into the two party system, emotionally at least. In the 00s taking either of the parties seriously made you look foolish.
Has any candidate brought up limits on campaign spending, or lobbying, or gerrymandering? Democracy is broken. No swamp has been drained or will be.
"If I was a Silicon Valley fuck I'd vote for Trump too".
- wife
Lots of spam could be mitigated by just blocking any cast with "gm" in it.
Dan is not wrong. Twitter is way more informative than Warpcaster on thousands not topics. If you don't give a crap about NFTs or frames what's there, a little crypto club? As a social network Warpcaster is not flying.
After slowing down YouTube incrementally for the past few weeks, today Russian internet providers blocked the website completely. Users in Moscow are reporting an error about failed connections. Mobile Internet, though, is serving it.

In Russian:
Used to know a Bosnian restaurant owner in Queens who refused to root for national soccer teams. Him and his family learned the hard way the price of (others') nationalism and flag waving.
Have doubts that Olympics are actually a unifying force. Russians who want to participate under no flag are the progressives here.
The past few months California has been meeting 100% of its electricity demands with renewables during peak sunlight hours.
Is OpenZeppelin still the top resource for audited contracts?
When I worked in large institutions the development was all trunk based. Now in smaller shops people look at me like I'm an idiot and making their lives more complicated by going trunk. (A few platforms make trunk difficult, Vercel for example). Is trunk, like, passe?
Not sure if you energy people would like to see this, but my roof used to be old tar and gravel. It was replaced with fairly cheap and lightly insulated reflective TPO. Here are the before and after on comparable days.
Heating and cooling is almost a quarter of all global energy consumption.
No wonder my new house gets hot in the evening
Higher is the first time a "meme coin" spoke to me. That arrow is um... uplifting.
One system democratically controlled (or not controlled) is a very narrow type of "decentralization". Many spread out systems governed by their own laws is the more general form of decentralization.
I like fiat - it is a project of governance and represents the value of humans to build things. (Not everybody's cup of tea, but it is meaningful to me). What bothers me though is that the most popular fiat currency is largely backed by imperialism, one of lesser human achievements. I want to buy coffee in DAO tokens.
US embassy is warning about potential terrorist acts in Moscow in the next 48 hours.
If woke is silly anti-woke is scary.
Moscow is a tough city but photographer Alexander Gronsky insists that it has a soul.