
@dcinvestor #211272

investor, advisor & fan of crypto, ethereum, defi, NFTs & AI. posts not expert opinions or advice. http://gallery.so/dcinvestor + http://deca.art/DCinvestor
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beyond the weird racial profiling, the beauty of this statement is that it says absolutely nothing

is she trying to protect your ability to invest in crypto? trying to protect you from bad investments?

how do our candidate choices keep getting impossibly worse every 4 years???
they can land a rocket on two metal bars suspended high up in the air

but they can’t fix search, DMs, or bots on X
if the techno-capitalists outright control the government, we may end up in a corporate cyberpunk dystopia

if modern-day Luddites outright control it, we risk a technological dark age

very few grasp what’s at play. the next 3 decades will be the most important in human history
the FBI is literally launching tokens on Ethereum L1, and you’re bearish
nothing worse for a gamer than playing something with insanely high production value

but it is a BAD game with BAD mechanics, BAD story, and/or BAD monetization schemas

feels like so much lost potential
i can’t believe the Biden-Harris administration is about to let category 5 Hurricane Milton hit Florida

seriously, it’s time to ask where your tax dollars are going
feels directionally accurate

Elon walked into the political casino and put it all on black
SEO websites will be dead soon

AI takes text-based websites and gives their contents back to users in more useful and tailored ways

but they can’t do the same thing with video content (which is a form of entertainment)

tl;dr- bloggers done. vloggers and podcasters mostly safe
i don’t know how by one can credibly say they are SURE of the election outcome at this point

there is so much misinformation/disinformation and the most ridiculous slate of October surprises i think i’ve ever seen in my life, and we are only one week in

lmao what a shitshow
JD reading the court filings rn
“nooo! you can’t just shitpost whatever you want about politics on your feed!! you have to be an NPC and agree with me verbatim on every single issue, otherwise you are an enemy of the state!!!”
i mean this in earnest:

we need to bring back more crypto-philosophy talk

among all of the engineering and product talk

or literally, none of this matters
don’t make longterm portfolio decisions based on near-term politics & geopolitics

crypto is up and to the right for the coming hyper-digital decades

we are going to need government subsidies for firms which still employ humans very soon

tax policy allows firms to depreciate capital assets, but places all kinds of costs on them to employ humans

this isn’t an issue just yet, but when it becomes one, it’ll happen very fast
only ~35 days until this election is behind us

can’t be done soon enough
you’d need to sit 2.6 ft away from a 65 inch TV

in order to perceive the difference between 8K and 4K resolution

but the TV industry will try hard AF to make it happen anyway because they want you to buy a new TV…
been dealing with “frozen shoulder” and man, it really sucks

likely hurt it lifting, but it was fine for weeks. then one day, suddenly could barely lift my arm above my head

doing PT twice a week to regain mobility, but it’s SLOW

now other shoulder strained due to overuse 😑
despite the Orion demo yesterday, i suspect that Apple may actually come to market with AR glasses before Meta does
meanwhile Trabucco keeps sailing the high seas on his boat docked in his driveway in rural Iowa under witness protection

well played
i just want every screen in my life to be OLED

is this too much to ask for??
democracy isn’t designed to create the best outcomes

it’s designed to avoid the worst ones
if you’re reading this, i can promise you your shitposts will not affect the outcome of this election in any way whatsoever
a tale of two reactors, Germany and US
robotics/automation not going to look like they show up and replace all manual labor overnight

will look more like one person can do the work of many people

same dynamic as we have seen for centuries

but could affect many more types of work as general purpose robots emerge
i am legit impressed they managed to make a spacesuit which looks like a pair of pajamas