
@elizasj #311297

digital artist 👩🏼‍💻⚗️✨
125 Follower 102 Following
I have to say, I'm really enjoying @rodeodotclub & being here on @warpcast, it's all so beautifully low stakes. sharing wips, tests and mini demos feels fun again and I'm discovering so many new artists. I didn't think I'd find that light feeling on sm ever again 🥰 Not sure I can put my finger on why yet, but so glad to be here!
oops i misspelled pixelsorting 🫣🤷‍♀️ but here is another little export. Playing with this screen capture I had of some particles I created for an infinity room last spring
Does anyone else have problems publishing to @rodeodotclub from their phone? I can only seem to do it from desktop...🤔 Anyways, I've been preparing some code examples for students and have been really enjoying delving back into some of the techniques that got me so excited to learn to code back in the day. Pixel sorting still feels like such magic to me ⚗️ ✨
she’s finally here! ✨🤸🏼
📸 from a few weeks ago, Granulations IRL w/ Responsive Dreams festival https://www.fxhash.xyz/generative/slug/granulations
add a little backlight to these for evening/dark lighting, and I think I’ve found my favorite way to display prints & static digital artworks 👌 It’s nothing fancy, but the depth on these displays makes a huge difference compared to a paper print & saves a lot of energy (literally! Tbh, outside of reveals I don’t really get displaying static work on digital screens… consumes so much 🌎❤️‍🩹) 📸 taken at Responsive Dreams this we in Barcelona
GM! I've been at Responsive Dreams this weekend, showing my new piece Granulations. It's a cute little system of systems, combining generative audio and generative visuals. Each feeds back into the other for a gentle & fun xp (I hope!😇) https://fxhash.xyz/generative/31156
random question but does anyone know how this signer got added to my account? It took some of my warps and I can't see how to remove it. What even is a signer? I'm a bit lost ngl 😅🫣 do I need to remove it?
wow it’s been a second since i’ve posted here 😅 have been hard at work organizing a few things, including an exhibition in barcelona with some of my fellow local gen artists. Opening next week (as you can see we’re in the thick of it✨) Come check us out if you’re around this summer! infos here paloalto.barcelona/expomagba
i have nearly no photos but many mementos and even more amazing memories from Paris. @brightmoments was a trip, thank you for having me ☺️🫶✨
c’est moiii 🙋🏼‍♀️✨
i get so excited about new spaces like this one, and then find myself too intimidated to post… so here’s a wip instead (also to test how things render on here) 🤸‍♀️✨